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  • Address:Pingtang Industrial District, Shipeng Village, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City,
  • Phone:0757-81002668/0757-63323396
  • Fax:0757-81196682
  • Contact:Ben Zheng/13826981293 Kerry Lu/13751224830
  • E-mail:sbs@sbsprefabhouse.com
  • URL:http://www.sbshouses.cn
Why are steel structure hoisting assembled on the ground
Reliable footholds shall be provided for suspension operation, and protective railings, protective nets or other safety facilities shall be set as appropriate.   The rigging, scaffold, basket, cage, platform and other equipment used for the pr...
The key points of steel structure construction technology
Manufacturing technology of structural members and special-shaped nodes   Various large-span, complex spatial shapes of steel structure buildings require complex local forces and difficult production of steel components. Therefore, in the cons...
Reinforcement method of steel structure building
Steel structures are often used in various engineering structures with large spans, large heights, large loads, and large dynamic effects, and have a wide range of applications. With the development of steel structure, its stability becomes more and ...
Common problems and preventive measures of steel structure installation
The positioning axis of the foundation and the elevation of the supporting steel cylinder exceed the allowable deviation value of the specification The reasons are: There are errors and deviations in the foundation survey control network, foundatio...
Application examples of steel structure industrial workshop
Application of Electromechanical Anti-seismic in Steel Structure Industrial Factory   In industrial plants, there are public utility pipelines installed for factory process production; such as water supply and drainage, fire fighting system, s...
How to control the construction quality of steel structure engineering
Make preparations before the project starts   Strengthen the review of construction drawings. The drawings are the basis for the construction of the project. Before the start of the project, the project control agency should organize the contr...
Analysis and solution of water leakage in steel frame workshop
The slope of the light steel structure roof is generally small, often below 6%. In the rainy areas in Central South, the roof leakage of this structure is more common. There are large areas of water leakage, daylight windows, and drips at the joints ...
Main points of steel structure plant design
Structural system used in steel structure plant design   Steel structure workshops generally require large space due to process layout requirements. The structure usually adopts a frame structure, and frame-shear structure can also be adopted ...
What are the advantages of Foshan Steel Structure Project?
the characteristics of the enterprise. In this case, for the enterprise, the construction of the plant is also designed according to the characteristics of the enterprise, and it has also played a certain role in promoting the industry. In addition,...
Project cost control for wholesale metal building systems
Different structural systems, peace, and facade layout have obvious effects on the project cost. In the design stage, only by determining the reasonable layout and facade layout and structural system according to the functional requirements of the bu...
Cost control in the design stage of steel structure building
Engineering cost control in material selection   As my country's steel production continues to increase year by year, steel varieties tend to diversify. Various new building materials, such as lightweight thermal insulation wall panels, color-...
Steel structure building design ideas
Steel structure is usually used for high-rise, large-span, complex body, heavy load or crane lifting weight, large vibration, requiring mobility or frequent assembly and disassembly structures. Intuitively speaking: buildings, stadiums, opera houses,...
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Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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