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The key points of steel structure construction technology

Time:[2021-3-20]  Hits:2753

Manufacturing technology of structural members and special-shaped nodes


Various large-span, complex spatial shapes of steel structure buildings require complex local forces and difficult production of steel components. Therefore, in the construction of complex projects, the production of structural components and special-shaped nodes should meet the stress conditions to ensure that the engineering Quality and Safety.



Integral sliding construction technology


The more critical issue in the construction of large-span steel structures is the stability of the structure before it forms a space as a whole. The sliding construction technology uses traction equipment that can control synchronization to move the structure divided into several stable bodies along a certain track from the assembly position to the design position, which can better solve this problem. However, when using it, attention should be paid to the characteristics of high rigidity outside the plane of the structure, the need to lay the track, and the difficult synchronous control of multi-point pulling.



Overall improvement of construction technology


This technology uses hydraulic jacks as power equipment and combines several hydraulic jacks, hydraulic valve groups, pump stations, etc. into a hydraulic jack cluster according to the lifting force requirements of each operating point, and moves synchronously under computer control to ensure lifting or shifting In the process, the posture of the large structure is stable and the load is balanced.



High-altitude unsupported assembling construction technology


The high-altitude block expansion unit has no support assembly technology. The construction principle is: reasonable segmentation of the structural system, selection of the hoisting sequence, so that the construction process does not need to set up a supporting platform, and the rigidity of the structure is used to form a stable unit. Through continuous expansion of the unit connection, Finally, the overall structure is formed.



Anti-corrosion construction technology of steel structure


The construction should be carried out by a combination of roller coating and paint brushing. Large area construction should be roller coated, and small components should be brushed. The specific construction method should be reasonably selected according to the site conditions. At the same time, the first layer of primer should be applied in the same direction, and the connection should be neat, and should follow the principle of frequent dips and short brushes, and operate in accordance with the specifications to prevent the brush from being painted too much and causing flow. In addition, do not use too much force when brushing, and the number of brushing back should not be too much, and the brushing should be interlaced vertically and horizontally to increase the adhesion of each layer of paint and supplement the deficiencies of the brushing.




Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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