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  • Address:Pingtang Industrial District, Shipeng Village, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City,
  • Phone:0757-81002668/0757-63323396
  • Fax:0757-81196682
  • Contact:Ben Zheng/13826981293 Kerry Lu/13751224830
  • E-mail:sbs@sbsprefabhouse.com
  • URL:http://www.sbshouses.cn
development of steel structure building dissolve excess capacity
Guangzhou steel structure: development of steel structure building dissolve excess capacity  Guangzhou steel structure: steel structure of the expert committee of China construction metal structure association annual work conference in han, more...
high-rise steel structure building design points
Guangzhou steel structure (high-rise steel structure building design points  With the development of Chinese economy, high-rise buildings in the earth have become common in China. Our country "high gauge" (JGJ 3-2010), more than 10 layers of civ...
Increase the "Steel demand" a new choice
Increase the "Steel demand" a new choice Guangzhou Steel tells you: steel, has been seen as an important technology to rewrite the history of the building. In our daily life, such structures are not uncommon, such as airport terminals, high-speed ra...
the country's highest all-steel construction podium cap
Guangzhou Steel news: the country's highest all-steel construction podium cap   Guangzhou Steel News hoisting steel beams with a podium last completed four innings marked by the general contractor in charge of management, a steel fabrication a...
Caigang steel structure fire against know thin factor analysis
Caigang steel structure fire against know thin factor analysis  Guangzhou steel structure First of all, the construction personnel caigang steel structure fire against weak safety knowledge. In construction projects, construction site temporary ...
National maritime museum at the end of the steel structure completed
 National maritime museum at the end of the steel structure completed   Guangzhou steel structure From the annual meeting of the national maritime museum built to promote recently learned that the national maritime museum subject const...
Steel structure residence should take
Steel structure residence should take "digest" function  Guangzhou steel structure: in the face of north guang forest of steel structure residence, hubei provincial experts are calling for -- Steel structure residence should take "digest" functi...
National Maritime Museum at the end of the main steel structure completed
Guangzhou Steel News: National Maritime Museum at the end of the main steel structure completed Guangzhou Steel news: construction from the National Maritime Museum to promote the meeting held recently learned, now the National Maritime Museum, the ...
The Origins of the steel structure and future trends
Guangzhou Steel News: The Origins of the steel structure and future trends       Guangzhou Steel News: Steel construction project is constructed mainly of steel production, is one of the main building construction types. St...
Domestic steel how to
Guangzhou Steel News: Domestic steel how to "go out"? Guangzhou Steel News: "Our country's steel industry should handle the level of progress the company, strengthen the company's technological innovation, promote our project to create a world of no...
steel structure building is the key to solve the iron and steel production capacity to
Guangzhou steel structure: steel structure building is the key to solve the iron and steel production capacity to Guangzhou steel structure (as "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in planning an important component of the reform of the s...
a BIM steel structure solution benchmarking project high-profile broken cocoon into a butterfly
Guangzhou steel structure - a BIM steel structure solution benchmarking project high-profile broken cocoon into a butterfly "Steel structure residence industrialization experts BBS" was held in Beijing. The BBS by the construction committee, the Chi...
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Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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