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Domestic steel how to

Time:[2015-12-30]  Hits:4485

Guangzhou Steel News: Domestic steel how to "go out"?

Guangzhou Steel News: "Our country's steel industry should handle the level of progress the company, strengthen the company's technological innovation, promote our project to create a world of norms, the government strengthen policy guidance in four areas continue to progress, so that domestic steel gradually overseas." Recently, the National Steel in 2015 academic annual meeting, China's Academy of Engineering, Chongqing University president for domestic steel strike chance and fight overseas elaborated from a concept.

"Going out" the time has come

"At present, China's steel has the ability to go overseas, and have the opportunity to go abroad." Thought.

Our country is a big country of steel output, also steel major industrial countries, with research and development, planning, production, steel industrial chain equipment. In terms of the industrial scale, China has qualified more than 3000 steel and construction companies, employing about 500,000 people. In addition, steel industry formed the industrial city, such as Hang Xiao Steel Co., Ltd., the earth and Southeast grid Steel Co., Ltd. and other well-known companies are gathered in Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou.

2014, China's steel output was 42 million tons (output value of 510 billion yuan), the sum of more than Europe, the United States, Japan, Australia output. Housing construction in developed countries accounting for 22% of steel to 43%, while China accounted for about 5%; bridge structure, the United States accounted for 33% of steel bridges, Japan accounted for 41%, while China The accounting for about 1%. "As a way of sustainable development structure, steel has great room for development." Show.

China's steel industry has to, skills and talent base overseas, in the process of creating skills and accumulated rich experience, has a high level of professional and skilled personnel, and handling personnel. Together, China's steel also accumulated a certain pioneering experience overseas shopping malls, shopping centers overseas has broadened from Southeast Asia to Europe and America. A number of leading companies already do in terms of skills, talent and layout ready to carry out the foreign certification and licensing work, the establishment of overseas business and foreign branches. However, China's steel shopping malls in the world share is not high, and China's steel production orientation powers disproportionate.

He believes that the huge overseas demand has brought the mall opportunities.

At present, China's large steel companies have strategic layout of two shopping centers at home and abroad. For example, in the construction of steel in the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Algeria, Australia and other countries and regions the construction of a number of landmark buildings; engineering skills of Jingye Steel Works Ltd. in Singapore construction; CCCC Second Highway Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. to participate in nine overseas steel bridge projects, mainly in Southeast Asia and Africa region; in Tieshan Bridge Group Co., Ltd. has 12 overseas steel bridge-building projects in the United States, Germany, Canada and other countries.

In 2014, a large steel company in foreign orders increased significantly. For example, Baosteel Steel Steel Works orders get American National Oilwell two projects; Hangxiao Steel successful residential projects in Mongolia, the contract amount of 2.6 billion yuan arrival; Southeast grid with the Venezuelan government contracted 10 billion contract; Beijing multidimensional Group signed a new joint project with the Government of Venezuela sheet, the contract amount of $ 297,000,000.

2012 ~ 2014, China's rapid export growth of steel exports from 20 million tons to 80 million tons, the export value of over 60 billion yuan to 200 billion yuan. Show, "along the way" strategy for China's steel structure and opportunities to go out, is the opportunity for the development of China's steel industry overseas shopping malls. For example, China's steel companies are with Kazakhstan, Indonesia friendly cooperation.

We must pay attention to the four fight

He pointed out that China's steel to overseas shopping malls will face many challenges.

The first is the challenge of skills on. China's steel planning, production and equipment specifications specification differences exist with the host, some steel specification recognized around the world is not high. China's steel material types and profiles and the host country is not the same. Companies in China are not familiar with foreign engineering to create a specification to the English expression contracts and drawings, there are language hampered. Together, our companies blind production and equipment, may make claims.

Focus, material does not practice, "on behalf of the weak to the strong", "the big-generation small", suffer too. Together, overseas construction may not use our steel, time consuming and expensive, so the advantage becomes a disadvantage. Therefore, in order to improve the planning and Steel Company for the host country to accept a long way.

Followed by the trade fight. China's exports of iron and steel goods 80% are low-tech skills of primary processing of commodities (such as rod and wire) and crude steel, high technical content, deep processing of goods (such as stainless steel, electrical steel, coated or galvanized sheet metal) uncompetitive, relying on imports. "Low high into the" business structure increases the energy, resources and environmental pressures, is not conducive to sustainable development.

Then followed by the fight on the handle. China's steel companies are not familiar with the handling method of world traffic, unfamiliar world engineering practice, the way to handle traffic engineering world and the country concerned to handle the way and by way of contract, often on the basis of experience of the implementation of domestic projects. In addition, because of cultural, institutional, sub-way, the owners are at home and abroad, which are not the same, a lot of domestic business overseas projects inappropriate manner.

Together, domestic companies lack of knowledge of the risks of uncertainty, including: political risk, where the country's political instability or replacement policy replaces bring heads of state, causing the project to stop; legal risks, legal understanding of the host country impervious, contract risk can not be lock, resulting disputes continue; the risk of conflict of interest, political "along the way" along the many countries is the political interests of the company at home, the company that is the national interest, when it comes to local interest groups with vested interests, there will be all kinds of prejudice; cost risk, the company is difficult to host country's political, legal, national and shopping malls, raw materials and fuel and quotation shaken, labor costs, construction planning data, claims regulations, exchange rate risk, thorough research, resulting in cost throughout the duration or create higher than expected.

Finally, China's steel companies are many and scattered, difficult to play a competitive advantage. 2014, China's 10 listed companies in steel output was 3.6772 million tons, export 233,700 tons, accounting for respectively 16.02%, 13.98%. China's steel companies and high dispersion, low excess capacity, disorderly vicious competition, which is not conducive to the industry as a whole skills progress and "going out" strategy.

Risk reduction remedy

He believes that China's steel resolve the "going out" risk and challenge, from four aspects need to remedy.

First, the level of progress the company handled. Integrated steel companies and steel company resources, forming advantages and characteristics. Industrial restructuring through mergers and acquisitions, out of high energy consumption, high pollution and low power industrial, adjust product mix, promote the transformation and upgrading.

Together, strengthen Sino-foreign cooperation, especially cooperation with the United States and Europe. Strengthening Engineering for consulting firm and the world to cooperate in reducing the risk of project handling, focusing on complementary advantages of both domestic and foreign. For example, foreign multi-play in the preliminary planning, process planning, infrastructure planning, detailed planning and so on, the Chinese takeover in bear country, production processing, transportation, construction site handling, reduce costs more to play a role; outside can offer some of the world generic program, to be implemented in accordance with the actual situation before; Chinese and foreign parties shared security, quality, inspection and control work.

The second is to strengthen the company's technological innovation. Advances in materials, goods and structures R & D talent, innovative architecture, in order to improve the planning, steel output set research and development, planning, purchasing, production, equipment, examination in one of the "goods + services." Together, research and development skills, high levels of steel goods to overseas export. Advances in production and the level of equipment, research and development of large construction equipment, fine construction technology, construction skills and production equipment intelligent way to achieve steel industry, information technology, digitization, automation, and intelligent.

Third is to promote our project to create a world of norms. Government and industry organizations should strengthen cooperation with the world's major normative systems (such as North America, European Union, etc.) communication and docking, preparation of steel each other's technical standards substitution plan. Companies should strengthen communication and communication with the country where the engineering and project owners, and invite the other party to conduct site visits and skills of communication, standardized structure for the domestic steel to the world on the concept of the mall clean prejudice; commentary for each other skilled personnel, training, promotion Our project to create a standardized, expanding influence in the world; to show our project to create a major achievement, the performance of the relevant norms of China's steel correctness, rationality and safety.

Together, active participation in the world certified. China's major steel mills and steel (sheet metal and steel) plant with the world's advanced production equipment and technology, should actively participate in China's commodity standard certification work in the relevant country or region. To cooperate with relevant national engineering skills personnel, jointly prepared by engineering the appropriate country or region to create a specification.

Fourth, the government strengthen policy guidance. Encourage steel goods "low prices", adjust trade structure. Steel in the workpiece manner of goods, components or steel exports to reduce trade friction. Expand overseas investment, the use of overseas spare capacity, through equity participation or acquisition of overseas iron ore resources, protection of the domestic supply, to avoid the risk of the world's iron ore quotations rose sharply. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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