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National Maritime Museum at the end of the main steel structure completed

Time:[2015-12-30]  Hits:4689

Guangzhou Steel News: National Maritime Museum at the end of the main steel structure completed

Guangzhou Steel news: construction from the National Maritime Museum to promote the meeting held recently learned, now the National Maritime Museum, the main construction progress accelerated the end of the steel structure of the main project will be basically completed.

Under the plan, the National Maritime Museum will end before the end of March next year fine decoration and other special tender, procurement, before the end of June Wai Yan basic end curtain wall construction, the basic conclusion of the project before the end of the first half of 2017 end was completed. Collection collecting aspect, the first phase of the opening program totaling 6,000 exhibits, as of now collected a total of up to 48,000 total collections, meet the requirements of the exhibits on show closer to 4000, of which about 1000 exhibits humanities, opening exhibits fill rates up to 50%, natural type exhibits around 3000, opening exhibits to meet the rate of 70%. Together, in order to facilitate the collection of information about the opening of the needs of carding, recently has ended Bohai base and enhance the transformation of the Treasury holding inventory package, 10,093 precious collections successfully moved to a new warehouse. It is reported that the end of next year on a new exhibition of cultural relics collected more than 2,000 specimens, basically meet the opening exhibition and seminars Chen needs.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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