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Increase the "Steel demand" a new choice

Time:[2016-1-9]  Hits:4305

Increase the "Steel demand" a new choice

Guangzhou Steel tells you: steel, has been seen as an important technology to rewrite the history of the building. In our daily life, such structures are not uncommon, such as airport terminals, high-speed railway station, the main stadium and other buildings are usually constructed with steel, but the construction of residential steel structure is still relatively rare. According to professionals, steel has many advantages, one of the most admired is its green attributes and promoting the role of steel to the inventory. The former because of its water, energy and other characteristics has become the industry consensus, while the latter was recently the expectations.

2016, five major tasks of China's economic work is to go to production capacity, the steel industry and to solve the overcapacity problem is imminent. Development of steel, to increase the "Steel demand", can ease the problem of excess demand side. Currently, low-cost steel in the range, decrease the cost of steel, highlighting the advantages of steel structures, steel structures for the development provides new opportunities. On this basis, it can expand its application areas, increase their coverage in certain areas.

Steel construction industry in China is relatively slow at present, to promote the use of much remains to be done. In addition to the policy level to support and strengthen its efforts to promote the popularization of knowledge, enhance people's awareness of their understanding, the need to improve related industries, enterprises, research institutes, innovation capability, strengthen the research supporting technology and materials, and further enhance the steel structure technology, green and cost advantages make it a better choice in building technology.

Guangzhou Steel Summary: Of course, the only way to promote the use of steel instead of steel to the inventory, it is only part of the problem rather than solving the underlying, but after all, let us have a new discovery, increase confidence.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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