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  • Address:Pingtang Industrial District, Shipeng Village, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City,
  • Phone:0757-81002668/0757-63323396
  • Fax:0757-81196682
  • Contact:Ben Zheng/13826981293 Kerry Lu/13751224830
  • E-mail:sbs@sbsprefabhouse.com
  • URL:http://www.sbshouses.cn
"Beautiful China" calls for green buildings
"Beautiful country" calls for green construction Building energy efficiency has become an irreversible trend in the world, and to carry out energy saving steel construction is the best choice. This is consistent from ACEF recent "structural steel c...
Steel General Setup
Steel usually means the program is: Foshan Steel components View-based review beam steel columns supporting device device device platform plate (laminates, roof) device maintenance structure of the device. For example: - A multi-storey car factory pa...
Steel welding requirements
Steel welding requirements: 1 welder Remember: Foshan Steel engaged in steel welder welding work passed an examination and obtain a certificate. Welders welding must pass the examination within the project and its scope of accreditation. For alread...
Steel and steel component assembly installation requirements
Steel and steel components assembled device requirements: Foshan welded H-beam steel flange plates and webs seam seam spacing should not be less than 200mm. Flange plate splice length should be less than 2 times the plate width. Web splice width shou...
Steel frame and reinforced concrete structure which is the difference?
Structural steel and reinforced concrete structural frame What's the difference? A steel frame structure is constructed mainly of steel production, is one of the main types of building construction. Has the following characteristics: lighter weight...
Building structure can be divided into several categories?
Building construction can be divided into several categories? First, based on the characteristics of the building constructed in the shape classification (1) single-layer structure (1 to 3 layers, and more for single plant, canteens, theaters, ware...
SBS invited to meet with Macedonian President Conference
  Foshan Sheng Bang Steel Structure Co., Ltd (short for “SBS”) is one of the Chinese building materials preferred enterprise and is very pleased to receive an invitation to a meeting with Macedonian President and vice president, finance minister...
Foshan Banfangchanzheng with the conditions required to buy Penthouse steel room
Actually bought more house repossession Forward House, the developers require owners to spend 86,000 yuan to buy. Owners of a local developer recently ran into such a "strong sell" behavior. Eventually, the owners take legal action, the court sentenc...
Foshan will be built into most distinctive landmark steel construction
Will become a new landmark in Foshan Foshan Cultural Center - "Square Tower" is located next to the town of Foshan Century Lotus Sports Center, the building on the ground 17 floors and 2 underground floors, very irregular shape, unique frame design, ...
DreamWorks young sea before the main structure is expected by the end cap into use
DreamWorks young sea before the main structure is expected by the end cap into use With the final steel beam slowly hanging on a multi-functional innovation DreamWorks middle of the roof, before the sea of young successful DreamWorks steel cap. Fos...
On the principle of fireproof paint fire
On the principle of fireproof paint fire      I. Introduction      Methods steel structure fireproof paint mainly maintenance, fire board maintenance, concrete maintenance, flexible membrane maintenance, in...
When the energy saving steel to battle
When the energy saving steel to battle "vanguard" Since May 26 this year, the State Council issued "2014-2015 action plan to carry out energy saving low-carbon" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") since, in the face of further strengthening cle...
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Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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