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When the energy saving steel to battle

Time:[2014-7-2]  Hits:4895

When the energy saving steel to battle "vanguard"

Since May 26 this year, the State Council issued "2014-2015 action plan to carry out energy saving low-carbon" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") since, in the face of further strengthening clear targets and strengthen energy conservation measures for the traditional "two high bring a consumption, "the construction industry is not a small effect, industry experts have predicted: the energy conservation plan will include the construction of a series of emerging industries such as energy-saving green bring endless opportunities to carry out.

Reporters learned that the national statistics show that in the "Twelfth Five-Year" period, China will build 140 million square meters of new green, while the end of both the construction of energy-saving 620 million square meters. In this regard, China's first listed steel companies said, vigorously carry out green construction, accelerate the construction of energy saving carbon reduction projects, the implementation of energy-saving skill transformation, energy-saving skills and equipment industry, is the inevitable choice of two types of society and sustainable undertaken. Foshan Steel as an excellent form of green construction is the construction of energy-saving "vanguard."

Steel construction of the next two years to promote the construction of energy-saving public

Data show that China's domestic construction industry and related industries accounted for 46.7 percent of the total social energy consumption, and carbon emissions of traditional construction industry accounted for almost 50% of total emissions. Deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, Central Information Secretary Xie very recently said, "Twelve Five" period, the state will implement mandatory energy efficiency standards in the construction field, will promote public construction, especially the points with energy saving can be built or purchased by way of energy savings completion of the energy consumption fell policy.

Insiders pointed out that the widespread use of traditional construction built of concrete serious pollution, endless energy, recycling difficult to break through the bottleneck of its energy consumption, the need to expand the use of energy-efficient construction of proportion. It is reported that the Ministry of Housing and urban and rural construction has recently identified nearly 40 cities as "second five" energy-saving point urban public construction, requiring each end of the construction area of ​​the city less than 400 square meters of transformation in the next 2 years. The promotion of energy-saving green around the country, is a key step in the country steady growth and adjust the structure of energy saving strategies.

Hangxiao Engineer Fanghong Jiang told reporters, as the outstanding representative of green energy-saving construction, steel construction built in throughout the whole life cycle count "reduction, reuse, recycling, reduction priority" to carry out the principle of circular economy, because winning performance and skills of its economy, the green emission reduction, recycling economy and can industrialization, industrialization carried out, to better adapt and meet the current needs of energy conservation, the maximum limit conserve resources, protect the environment, reduce pollution, to provide people with health for efficient use of space.

With innovative skills to promote energy conservation

Research data show that the construction of energy consumption accounts for 25% of the total power consumption of commodities, which account for about half of the construction of air conditioning energy consumption energy. Some experts have suggested that large-scale use of asbestos-pressure steam including cellulose fiber cement flat (CCA board) grout wall steel construction, including the exterior walls of prefabricated skill sets within, can reduce the pressure on the electricity grid during peak hours for energy saving is important.

It is understood that, compared with traditional interior and exterior construction in general, apply to CCA board green grout wall steel construction skill sets, and more "energy saving" core strengths. 方鸿强 to reporters from the viewpoint of skills to do a detailed analysis to Hangxiao green building materials production and integration base - prefabricated facades durable waterproof fire saving insulation core skill sets Jharkhand Zhejiang Building Materials Co., as well as prefabricated fire pest control insulation interior core skill sets as an example, to produce green energy Jharkhand high-strength lightweight waterproof fire CCA board for the panel, while accompanied by light steel keel system, in the light of its empty walls poured EPS material. This high-density CCA board by 14,000 tons hydraulic compaction, shrinkage and swelling properties of a substantial increase in the strength of commodities, lumber low thermal conductivity, good insulation properties, is three times that of traditional brick insulation performance, and can significantly decrease energy consumption to run .

It is understood that Hangxiao wholly owned subsidiary - Jharkhand Building Materials Co., Ltd. is located in Zhejiang Tonglu Economic Development Zone, the registered capital of 140 million yuan, covers an area of ​​400 acres, plant construction area of ​​100,000 square meters, with an annual prefabricated reinforced truss floor boards (TD plate) 15 million square meters, pressure steam asbestos-cellulose fiber cement flat (CCA board) 20 million square meters, the green light high strength and high density CCA board, is a world leader in Germany using production equipment and skills to imports of raw wood pulp fibers, Portland cement, fine quartz sand, water and other substances, the computer program accurately ingredients, scooping molding, 14,000 tons of hydraulic compaction (high density) grade high temperature and pressure autoclave curing High-tech goods and other special skills handling skills and made. 100% free of asbestos, formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful substances, no radioactivity, no restrictions on the use of the range, green, energy efficient products with lightweight, high strength, high toughness, large format, A1 level non-combustible, impervious , fire proof, thermal insulation, corrosion moth, excellent weather resistance and good performance, and introduced the country to carry out new green building product applications. Greatly enhance the overall performance and build quality steel construction; and recycled materials can be done to reduce output "construction waste" to complete the construction of industrialization "turning waste into treasure", the harmful environmental pollution reduced minimum.

With the new strategic plan and the administrative system of urbanization and fiscal system reform push, currently under intensive introduction of ultra-low power around zero energy saving construction or construction-related "green movement" to further increase the green construction project and plans to build. The industry believes that demand for rapid construction of energy-saving skills mall "spread", both contribute to the completion of the "Twelfth Five-Year" plan of energy saving policy, while driving our country to build green malls virtuous conduct, become relevant companies vied for a treasure.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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