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Steel welding requirements

Time:[2014-7-12]  Hits:4901

Steel welding requirements:

1 welder
Foshan Steel engaged in steel welder welding work passed an examination and obtain a certificate. Welders welding must pass the examination within the project and its scope of accreditation.
For already parting press metallurgy, electric power, shipbuilding, boiler and pressure vessel industry qualification examination required to obtain a basic welder, you can remove the corresponding items of basic exam, otherwise should be "welded steel construction Technical Specification" (JGJ81) require appropriate qualifications exam.
(2) non-destructive testing full penetration of the design requirements of a secondary weld ultrasonic testing should be used to check for internal defects, remember:
When ultrasonic testing can not make judgments on the shortcomings should be used in radiation detection, classification and testing its internal shortcomings approach should fit the current national standards.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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