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  • Address:Pingtang Industrial District, Shipeng Village, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City,
  • Phone:0757-81002668/0757-63323396
  • Fax:0757-81196682
  • Contact:Ben Zheng/13826981293 Kerry Lu/13751224830
  • E-mail:sbs@sbsprefabhouse.com
  • URL:http://www.sbshouses.cn
Comments: steel residential real estate into the industry to promote the transition period
Comments: steel residential real estate into the industry to promote the transition period Recently, the "real estate into the Silver Age" view Vanke chairman Wang Shi Board released, causing the industry concern. Wang believes that relative to the...
Steel residence will become the steel industry growth
Industry experts believe that followed the State Council's "green building action plan" in the country to get detailed fulfill in order to build the steel structure represented by the implementation of green construction intensified, bring on the con...
Building A reputation capping carbon center to start the next office mode Kunming
  As the world's business office innovations, all-steel structure has become the dominant form of commercial buildings in developed countries, but because of its high cost and lack of complete sets of architectural technology transfer, and the p...
Steel residence promote industrial restructuring and real estate into the
         Recently, the concept of "real estate into the Silver Age" Vanke chairman Wang Shi announced that the Board of Directors, led to the industry's attention. Wang believes that with respect to the propert...
nshi chow 4 footbridge was built yesterday while open
Aviation Road, Central Hospital of Enshi located at the pedestrian bridge to begin construction, construction workers ongoing network coordination, power streetlights GanXian transplanting, civilized construction site signage and other preparatory wo...
Steel companies jointly essay real estate developer's restructuring silver
As the experts said, "Silver's traditional real estate companies can be more of a challenge, and for sure a new generation of home real estate company in terms of skills, will be able to more opportunities. Competitive situation shelter will also ben...
Features sun room safe
Features sun room safe As a leisure and entertainment activities, places, sun room safety is first. Effects of the sun room of the safety function elements are: Foshan Steel; sun room as a framework and support, the degree of solid steel constructi...
Seismic capability of steel live all no future?
Seismic capability of steel live all no future? Ludian earthquake caused the collapse of a large number of local houses, once again to focus attention on the seismic capacity of the house. Some experts pointed out that China is one of the earthquak...
Steel structure residence complacent industry called on to carry out the security room to eat crab wall sheet
Steel structure residence complacent industry called on to carry out the security room to eat crab wall sheet "Zhicijiagao" into the steel shelter development "bottleneck"      Following the August 3, 2014 Ludian County, Zhaoton...
Steel structure residence complacent industry called on to carry out the security room to eat crab
Steel structure residence complacent industry called on to carry out the security room to eat crab (Zhejiang) compressing the province more than 3 million tons of steel production capacity, capacity utilization improved to over 80%. "According to t...
Network for Electrical: Amorphous industry to create a precedent for the city
Network for Electrical: Amorphous industry to create a precedent for the city Industries to relocate in Shanghai as one of the major achievements of the net for electrical amorphous transformer project, the city is around the industry chain investm...
Steel Bridges: Bridges of today's mainstream form of development
Steel Bridges: Bridges of today's mainstream form of development Bridge, spanning natural or artificial barriers district carrier, the overall development of the history of the world has experienced the ancient bridge bridge stage, Roman bridge sta...
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Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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