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Building A reputation capping carbon center to start the next office mode Kunming

Time:[2014-9-20]  Hits:4825

  As the world's business office innovations, all-steel structure has become the dominant form of commercial buildings in developed countries, but because of its high cost and lack of complete sets of architectural technology transfer, and the pre-market demand for construction quality did not reach the appropriate degree, resulting in steel building in the country used much. Future follow the "green, environmental protection, energy saving, can be recycled," the principle of sustainable development and the circular economy concept under the guidance of steel construction in terms of structural performance, economic efficiency and protect the ecological environment, meet the requirements of green building, with traditional concrete structure and brick structure has a huge advantage compared to, will lead the structural revolution in China construction industry.

International big boost, born to lead the future

"Expo Eco-city - low carbon center" All steel thematic framework, the Expo Xingyun estate professional ingenuity heavily to build. Distinguished Europe's largest architectural design firms Atkins (ATKINS) and the UK's top interior design agency High Shier International (KSR) tailor-cut, shoulder to shoulder international top business office buildings. Building A successful capping carbon center is just a wake-up center to lead a low-carbon future business office in Kunming highlight.

All steel frame, better seismic performance

Compared with conventional reinforced concrete system used most domestic offices, low-carbon center construction quality is more international style. All steel construction with its high strength, light weight and other characteristics, is 1 / 2-1 / 3 of reinforced concrete structures, reducing the base load, Kunming advantages especially poor geological conditions, greatly increasing the seismic building performance.

Steel column-free design, space utilization higher

All steel frame with its column-free space design, cross-section of small, increase the use of large area, etc., effectively increasing the spatial use of the area and utility rates for businesses continued to grow in the future to provide more space.

Heavily in the selection of building materials, face lining is superb

Invested heavily selection of low-carbon center the world's top building materials equipment, generous use of independent reception hall style, imported from Germany, elevator, breathing glass curtain wall, solar photovoltaic systems, building equipment such as drinking water, face and lining every detail without fear of any picky, overlooking any United States and Europe's top business office.

4 large green lung, surrounded by natural oxygen-rich space

Kunming Expo core area, the Yunnan provincial government for their high-end green business plan demonstration area. Sitting Kunming Expo Garden, Mirage National Scenic Area, Expo Forest Park, Golden Temple National Forest Park, the green lung of four major cities, talent superior genes and green ecological resources.

Monopolize scarce resources, the best platform for office

Carbon centers, according to the Kunming Expo proud portal zone core area to the Expo Eco-city natural resources for their own unique resources to 5.3 square kilometers of green forest park for creative background, negative oxygen ions up to 20,000 or more / cc, all the city where the most comfortable environment, the main city of Kunming green health platform can not be copied.

Imagine unlimited thinking, to lead the future of Commerce

Greening its own rate as high as 40%, to achieve surface, facades, sky gardens and green roofs quadruple, in this office full realization of the garden office, climb mountains, green eyeful coming, like being in the green sea of ​​imagination, help you thought infinite width wide, leading the industry in the future.

The strength of state-owned enterprises for 20 years, quality trustworthy

Cloud Expo Xing, China green real estate brand leader, a national qualification housing prices, a listed company owned by the National Tourism Expo Group and the joint venture to construct tobacco industry has gone through 20 years of glorious history. Moment, after a decade of brutal Chinese real estate growth, market nearly saturated, buyers return to reason. Future, technology and quality will be more social and consumer attention. The "green carbon, international quality" is the Expo Xingyun core competitiveness. For 20 years, the Expo Xingyun hesitate to learn and absorb the high cost of the world's top development philosophy, Cengcengbaguan, project crafted products to achieve the ultimate. Business more of a sense of responsibility and mission, only to build a green top international boutique building for the city of Kunming.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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