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  • Address:Pingtang Industrial District, Shipeng Village, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City,
  • Phone:0757-81002668/0757-63323396
  • Fax:0757-81196682
  • Contact:Ben Zheng/13826981293 Kerry Lu/13751224830
  • E-mail:sbs@sbsprefabhouse.com
  • URL:http://www.sbshouses.cn
Steel construction engineering new technology - Steel construction technique residence
Guangzhou Steel News: Steel construction engineering new technology - Steel construction technique residence 1. The main technical contentA steel structure as a residence of the main load-bearing structure system, for low-density living so using col...
What effect bearing steel structure
Guangzhou Steel teach you: What effect bearing steel structure 1, can carry vertical load;2, with anti-vertical tension performance guarantee when the upper and lower vertical seismic structure is not out of line;3, the performance level of force wi...
Steel Engineering steel column means test requirements
Guangzhou Steel News: Steel Engineering steel column means test requirements Means should be checked before entering the member list member, commodity inspection certificate and design documents; the factory pre-assembled components had assembled on...
steel design provisions for modification
Guangzhou Steel tells you: steel design provisions for modification 3.3.1 Accounting steel deformation when, from time to consider cross-section bolts (or rivets) hole caused by weakened.3.3.2 Article deflection flexural members shall not exceed the...
Guangzhou Steel News: steel construction will drive the steel industry restructuring
Guangzhou Steel News: steel construction will drive the steel industry restructuring     The first half of 2015 the domestic steel industry's main business loss grim data show that in the first six months of domestic steel enterp...
Guangzhou Steel tells you: What is the steel construction program? What are the main contents?
Guangzhou Steel tells you: What is the steel construction program? What are the main contents?   Construction of steel structures, such as factories, airports, etc., we are very familiar with, but many users do not concern steel construction p...
Guangzhou Steel News: light steel portal frame roof drainage
Guangzhou Steel News: light steel portal frame roof drainage Light steel plant due to poor drainage and overflow gutter to the interior, the situation is affecting the normal use of occasional attacks, analyze the main reason is not rational design....
Guangzhou Steel News: steel residential instrumental support Floor System
Guangzhou Steel News: steel residential instrumental support Floor System Selection tool type supporting cast floor slabs, the advantage is all good performance, easy decoration, but the template than the fee, reinforced with steel beams connect and...
Guangzhou Steel News: Gap aspects of light steel structure building line metal pressure plate
Guangzhou Steel News: Gap aspects of light steel structure building line metal pressure plate Line is the embodiment of the most unique architectural style characteristic of light steel structure, this well-proportioned lines, or horizontal or verti...
Guangzhou Steel News: steel residential development prospects
Guangzhou Steel News: steel residential development prospects Housing industry is the only way China's housing industry, as it will become a new growth point to promote the country's economic development. Steel housing is easy to realize industrial ...
Guangzhou Steel News: Steel housing economy
Guangzhou Steel News: Steel housing economy Steel structure housing economy is the biggest obstacle to the development of steel housing, according to the existing level of development of our country steel, about 10% to 20% of civil cost residential ...
Guangzhou Steel News: seamless steel pipe joints straight substitution can not do in order to
Guangzhou Steel News: seamless steel pipe joints straight substitution can not do in order to Structural steel in theory, should be the same, the difference is not great, as good as seamless Longitudinal rules pipe centroid might not in the center, ...
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Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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