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Guangzhou Steel News: light steel portal frame roof drainage

Time:[2015-9-2]  Hits:4802

Guangzhou Steel News: light steel portal frame roof drainage

Light steel plant due to poor drainage and overflow gutter to the interior, the situation is affecting the normal use of occasional attacks, analyze the main reason is not rational design. On the concrete roof, within days of the ditch water rose to the roof, generally do not appear leakage problems, so "building water supply and drainage design specifications" (GB50015-2003) provision storm sewer design return period of only one year, standpipe drain endless rain, allowing innings gutter drain from the plant through the roof gable safety overflow.
The light steel plant roof and gutters are fabricated steel components, slab sealing function is far less than concrete roof, so in the design of roof drainage should not apply the traditional concept of the concrete roof drainage, such as the roof area per 200m to set up a root rainwater pipe. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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