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Thailand steel office building

Thailand steel office building

Seel structure Dormitory & office in Thailand

Steel structure Dormitory & office in Thailand is the multistorey  steel frame ,the whole steel frame just use the steel beam.The floor is use the floor decking steel sheet and concrete to do.It will be bigger usage space than traditional concrete building. The installation time is shorter than concrete building.Steel structure Dormitory & office in Thailand just need 2 months time to installation.During the installation there have no any dust,and have no superabundance trash.This is the environmental building,the steel structure Dormitory is 3 floor high and the steel structure office is the 7 floor high,the total area is 6697 square meter.

Thailand dormitory and office design drawing


Thailand dormitory and office steel structure hang pile picture


Thailand office and dormitory steel frame overall picture


Thailand office and dormitory steel frame completion picture




Hits:12990 Time:[2023-4-15]

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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