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  • Address:Pingtang Industrial District, Shipeng Village, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City,
  • Phone:0757-81002668/0757-63323396
  • Fax:0757-81196682
  • Contact:梁先生/Mr Leung
  • Phone:18900873383/18900873268
  • E-mail:sbs@sbsprefabhouse.com
  • Skype: sbs-Candy
  • URL:http://www.sbshouses.cn
  • Steel buildings

    Steel buildings

  • Prefabricated steel electricity tower

    Prefabricated steel electricity tower

  • The overall design of prefabricated steel Supermarkets

    The overall design of prefabricated steel Supermarkets

  • Multilayer Steel supermarket design

    Multilayer Steel supermarket design

  • Steel shopping

    Steel shopping

  • Steel cinema design

    Steel cinema design

  • Prefabricated steel cinema

    Prefabricated steel cinema

  • Private steel hangar

    Private steel hangar

  • Steel goods warehouse

    Steel goods warehouse

  • Steel Cinema

    Steel Cinema

  • Harvest Badminton Hall

    Harvest Badminton Hall

  • Steel hangar

    Steel hangar

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Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
奥林巴斯45MG| 一体化净水器| 倍捻机| 球磨机选矿球磨机棒磨机浮选机分级机选矿设备厂家| 再生滤油机| REXROTH力士乐泵| 彩色沥青路面| 钢化炉设备厂家| 恶臭气体监测仪厂家| 德国MESSKO温度变送器| 免疫亲和柱| 不锈钢天沟| 景区负氧离子监测系统| 医用冷藏冷冻箱| 建筑节能检测仪器| 低背隙蜗轮减速机| 箱包试验机| 过滤洗涤干燥三合一| 专注提供国外机电设备及配件| 进口清洁度分析系统全自动测量仪| DS3| 钛加热管| 防爆四合一气体报警器| 远转型磁翻板液位计| 电动硬密封法兰蝶阀| 伸缩隔离带| SF6智能定量检漏仪| 大型餐厨垃圾处理设备厂家| 净信高通量组织| 部分回转阀门电动装置| 北京星和精密| SMC绝缘板模压| 西门子气候补偿器| 开口闪点仪| 数显恒温油浴| 碎石冲击试验机| 红外碳硫分析仪| 电缆故障测试仪| 双轴螺旋输送机| 塑料化工储罐厂家| 厂家|