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How to ensure the safe use of steel structure?

Time:[2021-10-13]  Hits:1861

How to ensure the safe use of steel structure?

With the rapid development of factory buildings in China, steel structures are more and more widely used. As we all know, the application of steel structure in plant construction is very important. Therefore, the following problems must be paid attention to when storing and installing steel structures to ensure the safe use of steel structures.

1. The specification, steel number, quantity and material acceptance certificate number of the steel shall be indicated at the end of the steel.

2. When stacking in the open air, the site shall be flat, the height shall be higher than the surrounding ground, and there shall be drainage channels around.

3. During stacking, the back of the steel section shall be upward or outward as far as possible to avoid the accumulation of snow and water. There shall be a height difference between the two ends to facilitate drainage.

4. Before installation, the construction unit shall conduct special inspection on the product certificates, design documents and pre assembly records of parts, and recheck the dimensions of parts.

5. Appropriate connection mode shall be adopted for steel structure to make the node design consistent with the simplified structural calculation model.

6. When hoisting the steel structure, appropriate measures shall be taken to prevent excessive bending and torsional deformation, and washers shall be added to the contact part between the wire rope buckle and the member to prevent the member from being injured.

7. When the steel structure is in place, the support and other connecting members shall be fastened in time to ensure the stability of the structure.

8. High altitude operators shall use tools, and spare parts shall be placed in the tool bag rather than thrown up and down

9. When working in rainy days, reliable anti-skid measures must be taken, and pay attention to lightning protection in thunderstorm season.

10. The weather conditions before construction are also optimistic, and it is forbidden to use winds of level 4 or above.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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