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What do you need to know to read steel structure drawings

Time:[2021-4-17]  Hits:2305

1、 Basic concept of steel structure construction drawing

1. Construction drawing design of building and steel structure

Preliminary design: according to the requirements of the design unit, compare multiple schemes, collect data, investigate and study, and draw the preliminary scheme diagram.


Technical design: on the basis of the approved preliminary design scheme, further solve the technical problems of component selection, layout and cooperation of various types of work, unify the contradictions between various types of work, conduct in-depth technical analysis and necessary data processing, etc.


Construction drawing design: construction drawing design is mainly to specify the approved technical design drawings according to the construction requirements.


2、 Contents of construction drawings

General description of design and construction


General plan of building

1. The title and scale of the picture.

2. The legend is used to show the general layout of the new area, expansion area or reconstruction area, the location of buildings and structures, road layout, square, outdoor site and greening, and the number of building floors.

3. In order to determine the specific location of the new or expansion project, the location is generally based on the original building or road, and the location size is marked in meters.

4. Indicate the absolute elevation of the indoor ground and outdoor flat ground of the first floor of the new building.

5. Draw the rose chart and compass of upwind frequency to show the wind frequency and the direction of buildings and structures in the region. Sometimes, only a separate compass can be drawn.


Construction part of the construction drawing: construction part of the construction drawing is mainly to explain the building structure drawings, referred to as construction drawings. In the category of drawings, the construction ×× icon is used to distinguish other types of drawings. Construction drawings mainly show the architectural form, scale, external size, detailed structure, architectural decoration and architectural art of the house. Including building plan, building elevation, building structure section, detail, and describes the building materials and practical requirements.


Steel structure construction drawing: it is a drawing describing the structure and requirements of building foundation and main parts. The installation of on-site structure is the main basis for manufacturing components and construction units.


Electrical equipment construction drawing: mainly describes the location of electrical equipment in the house, line direction, total power demand, line specification and construction drawing type.


Water supply and drainage construction drawing: it mainly shows the layout of each point in the building and the equipment discharged after use, commonly known as sanitary equipment layout, upper and lower pipeline direction, pipe diameter, drainage slope, brand, specification and model of sanitary equipment used, etc.


Heating, ventilation and air conditioning construction drawings: equipment and circuit drawings mainly arranged in the northern heating area.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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