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What should Foshan steel structure design pay attention to

Time:[2021-4-14]  Hits:2240

1. Get the working diagram, don't model and calculate blindly. Conduct comprehensive analysis first, communicate with architectural designers, and fully understand various situations of the project (function, type selection, etc.).


2. Do a good job of preprocessing before modeling and calculation. For example, load calculation should be accurate and cannot be estimated. Input according to the construction practice or use requirements.


3. In building structure modeling, we should understand the meaning of each parameter, do not blindly modify the parameters, and have the basis for modification.


4. Economy under technical conditions should be fully considered in calculation. It is not allowed to increase the section of reinforcement or member at will. This should be seen as one of our design concepts.


5. After the calculation of root beam, column and slab, a lot of adjustment and modification should be made according to the data (such as checking diagram). The following centralized modification or preventive measures are specified:

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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