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Common problems and solutions in steel structure engineering

Time:[2021-4-10]  Hits:2961

Because of its own advantages, steel structure has been widely used in factories, bridges, industrial plants, high-rise buildings and other modern buildings. In the process of a large number of engineering construction, steel structure engineering also exposed many common quality problems. In view of the common problems and rectification measures in the main body acceptance and completion acceptance of steel structure in recent years, some opinions are put forward


1. If there is a gutter, the tie bar should not be designed close to the top of the column, otherwise the downpipe may not be installed. In addition, the position of gutter downpipe, tie bar and support between columns must be considered, otherwise tie bar or support between columns will be encountered.


2. The layout of the basket bolts on the horizontal support should be reasonable, not too far away from the main beam, and should be easy to install. Otherwise, workers in the steel structure construction, must lean out to tighten the basket bolts or use a ladder to go up, or after the installation of purlin, climb up the purlin to tighten the basket bolts, which is very unsafe. In addition, we should also consider the layout position of the angle brace, and do not fight with the angle brace when arranging the cross brace.


3. Don't consider the "edge pulling and edge pressing" and other factors on the purlin hole one sidedly, so that the distance between the upper and lower edges of the hole is not equal, because the purlin is easy to be reversed and the effect is not good.


4. The angle plate of doors and windows can not be generalized, because in the construction of steel structure, it can not be guaranteed that the plate is located in the crest or trough of profiled steel plate.


5. In large-scale steel structure engineering, the convenience of production, delivery and installation must be considered when numbering the detailed drawings.


6. We must understand the real meaning of "load data" provided by Party A, because Party A often does not understand these professional concepts. We need to think differently. If the preliminary work is done well, the follow-up work will be much better.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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