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There are several systems in steel structure engineering construction

Time:[2020-11-5]  Hits:2542

Steel structure engineering is a direct reflection of the current construction level of the construction industry. Therefore, whether from home or abroad, steel structure engineering has been rapid development, steel structure engineering is also concerned. At present, in the field of steel structure engineering, there are mainly four kinds of structural models, including the following types.


In this system, steel structural members are cold-formed into C-shaped and Z-shaped members, which can be used alone or in combination. However, self tapping screws are used to connect the members, so the joint stiffness is not easy to guarantee and the lateral force resistance is poor. Generally, it is only used in 1-2-story residential buildings or villas.


2 frame system, this kind of steel structure engineering is set as steel frame in both vertical and horizontal, with flexible doors and windows, which can provide large bay, so it is widely used in multi-storey steel structure residence.


3. Frame support system. In this kind of system, steel structure engineering generally has multiple lateral force resisting systems, and beam column joints and column base joints can be designed as hinged semi-rigid joints. The construction structure is simple, the foundation mainly bears axial force, and the shape is small.


4 frame shear wall system, mainly used for low rise residential. At present, it is widely used


These four kinds of steel structure system also constitute the main structure system of steel structure engineering, which also has an excellent role in promoting the development of steel structure engineering.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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