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Advantages of building steel structure

Time:[2020-10-26]  Hits:2663

Why is steel structure more and more popular now? For example, the bird's nest, the Eiffel Tower, the Tokyo Tower and the world trade center are all made of steel. Since steel structures are so useful, they must have some advantages! Let's have a look.


The steel structure of the building includes:


(1) It has the advantages of good seismic performance, flexible space layout, large effective use area, convenient installation and short construction period.


(2) Steel has good plasticity, toughness, ductility, high strength and light weight, so the seismic performance of steel structure building is good;


(3) Due to the high rigidity and strength of steel, the weight of steel structure is light, the size of beam and column is smaller than other materials, and the floor area of structure is small, which increases the effective utilization area of building space;


(4) The steel structure building can adopt large space column grid layout, the spatial layout is flexible, and the architectural modeling and pattern can be personalized;


(5) After the building reaches the service life, the amount of solid waste produced after the structure demolition is small, and the steel can be recycled;


(6) Steel structure building has the advantages of convenient installation and short construction period.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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