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What are the reinforcing methods of steel structure buildings in Foshan?

Time:[2018-9-12]  Hits:4700

Everyone knows that Foshan steel structure building occupies a large proportion in our current construction industry, because Foshan steel structure building has very good earthquake resistance, wind protection, corrosion protection and other functions, the same, in the construction process, it is necessary to reinforce the building, so as to ensure in the earthquake, typhoon and other extremes. Steel structures remain intact in the weather. Common reinforcement methods are:
1. Local reinforcement of parts with poor load-bearing capacity or poor load-bearing capacity of connecting points can be achieved by adding more fulcrums or members.
2. can also strengthen the whole building, increase or starve to strengthen the supporting system.
3. construction with load reinforcement is convenient.
4. The unloading reinforcement can reduce the load of the damaged component, so as to limit its dynamic load.
The steel structure buildings in Foshan can get better safety and stability through these strengthening methods.
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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