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What quality control points should be paid attention to in steel structure engineering?

Time:[2018-7-18]  Hits:3933

In the whole steel structure, it is important, whether in general or in small details, because it is often the key to the material that we don't care or think it is not important. What quality control points should we pay attention to in engineering? The steel structure of Foshan tells you that:
1. directly affect the quality of installation is the embedment of anchor bolts, whether location, length, elevation or other factors are very important. The same high strength bolt link is also important.
2. welding engineering is an important part in the process of production and installation. The welding methods adopted will be determined according to different heights and angles.
3. rust prevention and coating engineering in the whole project, it has a great relationship with the maintenance fee in the future, so a good rust proof coating will save more maintenance costs.
Foshan steel structure believes that when installing, there must be professional staff to conduct testing and command, so as to avoid more mistakes.
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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