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How does the steel structure plant rust prevent?

Time:[2018-5-9]  Hits:4126

The steel structure workshop is exposed all the year round, experiencing wind and rain, and it will rust easily after a long time. Today, the Foshan steel structure will introduce some methods of removing rust on the steel structure workshop, which can give you a better understanding of the steel structure workshop and how to deal with the steel structure when it rusts.
1. we can use sand blasting to remove rust. This method relies on manual operation. The area of rust removal is small and the roughness is small. At the same time, it is difficult to meet the requirement of friction coefficient, and the spray is usually quartz sand.
2. spraying non-metallic protective coating on the surface of the workshop, so that steel can be isolated from the surface of the workshop to achieve the purpose of rust prevention. It is a relatively easy method of construction, the price is relatively low, but just need a few years to spray once.
3. can be used to remove rust by acid washing, that is, the use of acid lotion to dissolve the rust and dirt on the surface of steel. After removing rust, a large amount of water should be used for cleaning, and then a passivation treatment will be carried out to place rust.
The above three methods are usually used for rust removal or rust prevention in Foshan steel structure workshop.
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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