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What are the advantages of light steel villas?

Time:[2018-4-18]  Hits:4055

The light steel villa is a kind of light steel keel which is composed of hot galvanized steel strip through cold rolling technology as the main material, and the light steel villa is also called the light steel structure house. Light steel structure has characteristics of easy construction, various forms, flexible space and shape, and the installation of light steel structure is very convenient, and the installation time is short. Light steel structure technology and product configuration are very mature. Today, Foshan steel structure company will tell you about the advantages of light steel villa.
1. light steel villa wall thickness is small, can increase the effective use area, can save land resources and other resources, is a kind of environmentally friendly sustainable development product.
2., the light steel villa has fast construction speed, light weight and good seismic performance. It will not cause the collapse of the wall or the fall of the floor due to the shaking of the earthquake, which will endanger the safety of the human body.
3., the comprehensive economic index of light steel structure is higher than that of high light steel villa.
4., light steel structure can be recycled, and it is a safe product.
The above is some advantages of Foshan steel structure for light steel villa. Actually, the construction of light steel structure will be much more applicable than traditional materials.
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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