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Characteristics of steel structure engineering in Foshan

Time:[2018-1-24]  Hits:4067

Foshan steel structure engineering is mainly composed of steel products, mainly composed of steel beams, steel columns, steel trusses and other components made of steel and steel plates. The joints between components or components are usually welded, bolted or rivets, which is one of the main building structure types. Because of its light weight and easy construction, it is widely used in large factories, bridges, stadiums and super high rise areas.
The characteristics of Foshan steel structure:
1. The weight of steel structure is lighter
2. High reliability of steel structure work
3. The anti vibration (earthquake) and impact resistance of the steel
4, the high degree of industrialization of steel structure manufacturing
5. The steel structure can be assembled accurately and quickly
6. The interior space of steel structure is large
7. It is easy to make a seal structure
Foshan steel structure is looking for Sheng bang, specialized steel structure workshop, steel knot, warehouse, building, villas and other steel structure projects. We have professional construction team and production equipment. We look forward to your cooperation.
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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