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Foshan steel roof leakage, from here to find reasons

Time:[2016-12-21]  Hits:5590

First, the membrane roof cracking
Mainly in the following six reasons
1, the design of the temperature difference caused by the expansion of roofing components of the impact of ill-considered;
2, the insulation layer construction quality is not good or thickness is not enough;
3, serious crack layer cracks caused by waterproof layer and other structural layer cracking;
4, the coil quality is poor, aging or cold at low temperature crisp;
5, asphalt and mastic (SMA) boil temperature is too high, too long, resulting in decreased flexibility;
6, the structural foundation of uneven settlement, resulting in roof cracking.

Second, the roof roll from the drum
the reason
1, in the membrane and the grassroots, or between the layers of the local cohesion is not compact at the Department of water.
2, between the membrane and the grassroots, or membrane between the layers of bonding is not strong, when the bonding force is less than the water vapor pressure, it will make the bond off at the formation of drums.

Third, the roof flow
the reason
1, mastic (SMA) heat resistance at the end.
2, mastic (SMA) adhesive layer is too thick, or too much talc admixture.
3, the roof slope, and the membrane in the direction of parallel roof paving.
4, Dishi quality of the protective layer is not good.

Fourth, the waterproof layer aging
the reason
1, climatic conditions.
2, asphalt cementing material heat resistance is too high.
3, asphalt binder material quality.
4, the surface layer quality.

Fifth, the waterproof structure node improper handling
the reason
1, gable, parapet and prominent roof chimneys, riser and other wall and waterproof layer at the intersection. The reason is that the vertical surface membrane and the roofing membrane is not a good layering overlap; or the coil at the mouth of the crack so that the rain from the crack into the Department; or the coil is not made at the corner arc-shaped, obtuse angle; Or the poor quality of the parapet and the top pressure cracking; or drip line is not done or not done.
2, the reason for the gutter leakage or gutter length is too large, the vertical gradient is too small; or less rain, water pipe diameter is small, resulting in poor drainage; or rain bucket, gutter around the membrane paste is not strong; The mouth of the bucket installed too high, so that rain water outside the rain into the room.
3, improper handling of roof deformation joints, such as the metal cover is not installed, the height of the flood or slope improperly, the membrane cover is not strict.
4, eaves, cornices at the water leakage is due to cornice mortar did not suppress the membrane, sealing the mouth of the membrane, cornice at the mouth of the mortar cracking and the drip line is not good.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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