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Shenzhen steel structure relative to the concrete structure more advantages

Time:[2016-10-31]  Hits:4836

   Why do we say that Shenzhen steel structure relative to the concrete structure more advantages? In fact, very simple, let us give a simple example: viaduct.
       1, from the conservation point of view, dry construction, water conservation; life expires, the demolition of the steel structure can be recycled.
        2, from the environmental benefits point of view, the former than the latter produced less dust.
       3, the construction period is shorter than the construction period.
       4, for the viaduct project, in terms of force, the viaduct by the tensile force is very high, while the former hand pull ability is much stronger than the latter.
       5, in construction, the former than the latter construction is simple and fast, the use of construction materials than the latter more transparent.
       6, the former than the latter lighter, good toughness, seismic performance.
       7, for the protection of land resources, reduce the use of cement, gravel, to reduce the destruction of land resources.
       Through the introduction of the above seven points, the Shenzhen steel structure is really more advantages than the concrete structure, I believe you have the answer in mind!
Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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