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Container housing: cheap rugged

Time:[2016-9-24]  Hits:4513

    Foshan steel container project, with rich experience in the construction of a container installation, alteration, maintenance and other aspects have a wealth of experience in the commercial center and residential containers containers for us, but also a relatively new premises and residential projects.

    Where then novelty of container in it? First, the overall structure of the container composition, perhaps many of my friends will not think, except for the loading and transport containers can also be used to house people. Yes, in fact, like a container housing the same RV, RV is a vehicle for the house and drove to where where is home, and the container is fixed building, with our ordinary residence the same, but yet is better than ordinary houses.

    First container timber relatively simple and requires only a few containers can, through internal processing, cutting and welding it into one whole, then arranged with the general housing as interior in the whole inside of the line, and the whole project save time and money, compared to the new play house really save a lot. The other is the noise level of containers and strong, are good, so Foshan steel for this type of building is very confident.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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