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Benefits of Steel ad frame

Time:[2016-8-27]  Hits:4240

    Dongguan Steel Company steel structures at various outdoor billboards, a very rich experience. We usually see some of the outdoor advertising sign on a high-rise, high-speed road to see roadside billboards, which use steel is not unusual, because there is a law of steel which is very suitable to build as the ad.

    Triangle with the stability, in this era of Law students said, in reality, very common and used because the stability of the triangle, so the general steel structures is triangular, three-point triangle communicate with each other and interact to form a stable structure to withstand large impact, so why behind the billboard is used in steel structures, the reasons here, this stability makes advertising steel frame can withstand the ravages of the storm , so as to build a steel frame advertising, but also a mainstream has always been.

    For steel structures and production Katsukuni steel steel company in Dongguan professional technical support, can make a lot of customers in this area needs to benefit from the production of the workpiece and build steel works very reassuring, Phone : 0757-63323396 welcome to call us.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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