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Steel materials for export, domestic steel out of the country

Time:[2016-8-24]  Hits:4416

    Guangzhou Steel Company brings message Chinese steel building materials, has been out of the country, he began to move toward the world.

    Prior to this, China's steel materials has been of no confidence in the multinational world and wait to see that the Chinese-made steel is not a good, safe with them, so many years, domestic steel materials, most of them can not be exported, only own domestic digestion.

    Along with China's economic recovery and development, the quality of domestic steel materials getting better and better, and mainly use domestic steel structure building materials more and more, these cases have proved a reliable robust Chinese steel material durable , so the steel material begins to open the door, it began to set foot in the world.

    Exports are Japan, a few months ago, China's steel tube material and the beam material to start exports to Japan, that the Japanese steel used in the future there will be a Chinese shadow. Over half a century, from "Baosteel" Start a steel factory now everywhere, and these years of development and policy support are inseparable, but also because of this, to be able to open up the domestic steel market, among the ranks of the world, Guangzhou steel companies will towards such development goals and move on.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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