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Discussion on sustainable development of steel companies

Time:[2016-8-20]  Hits:4362

    In China, in addition to the steel company in Dongguan, there are many family steel company, that add up to tens of thousands of large and small, and have a certain size and strength should also have a hundred.

    Since the establishment of China's first steel plant, and now over half a century, steel companies have mushroomed in general throughout the land of China, the popularization and application of steel in recent years, such as the National Stadium Bird's Nest, the CCTV building, Guangzhou steel tower, etc. these applications also shows the reliability of steel structures and times.

    Today, the domestic steel market prospects are very impressive, the current application of steel structure is used in some high-rise buildings, bridge and some stadiums and public places, as well as some of the warehouse, workshop structures; Clearly, with its superior the nature and quality of security, steel has been trusted and use of many enterprises.

    Today, domestic steel companies want to make it sound big steel door that requires integration of resources, develop new markets, and focus on the future of the steel structure and steel structure to ensure the quality and efficiency. On the technical side, we want to be creative. It is that not blindly pursue rigid steel company in Dongguan, but it is its origin, innovative technology, this is the only long-term development plans.


Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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