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Advantage Steel Buildings

Time:[2016-8-13]  Hits:4224

    Shenzhen steel construction in recent years has been more and more development, especially in China, the development of iron and steel, but a few decades, but it is the use of steel has been greatly developed, and gradually apply up.

    Stadiums, museums, high-rise buildings and so on, no not use steel to build, then what are the advantages of steel can make a large number of large-scale use of building it, for the following reasons:

    1, material saving at this point above, compared to the use of stone and cement to build buildings like a lot, the stability of light steel structure itself, combined with barricaded inside the building decoration, very unique, not only eliminates the stone by stone volume and space location.

    2, good ductility steel material if its processing, it can be extended, it canbuild more high-rise buildings or large, it is the stone can not be compared. If the theory of building a high-rise building, is consuming more steel more or stone, then the answer is no doubt.

    3, the seismic capability of steel buildings resistant to earthquake of at least about 7, which is basic, but if like stone, it will typically start at around five split, but the fear of falling down stone easily hurt to the people, and the steel is not the same, so it is above the stone can not be compared.

    Based on the above advantages, we can see why the Shenzhen steel can flourish, if the steel is seen as a "system", its compatibility and security, it is very good.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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