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Foshan Steel engineering calculation needs to pay attention to details?

Time:[2016-6-4]  Hits:3895

Foshan Steel:

I. Drawings: drawings according to catalog, check the number of clean-up drawings, check if there are any omissions.

Second, the construction plans
1. Design General Information
1.1 floor space, structure, column spacing, span, structural arrangement of;
1.2 Calculation of the scope of the project: about structure, roof, walls, doors and windows, clearly the scope of the tender offer;
Selection and specifications, technical requirements 1.3 Materials;
1.4 steel paint or coating requirements, fire rating.
2. floor plan, elevation, section:
Can count doors and windows, interior and exterior ladders, roof color plate, lighting board, wall color plates, roof ventilators, canopy, downspouts, flashings revenue side pieces, such as gutters quantities. Statistics, the material shall be marked each material and specifications.

Third, the structural construction plans
1. General Information Structure Design
1.1 Material: All parts (steel columns, beams, purlins, supports, etc.) member corresponding materials, such as Q235, Q345, high-strength bolts of strength class requirements;
1.2 Quality requirements for welding: weld quality grade, non-destructive testing requirements, such as welding seam quality should reach a level requiring 100% testing, two weld inspection 20%, related to the calculation of the cost of non-destructive testing.
1.3 rust requirements: hand and power tools rust (St), jet or projectile rust (Sa). Different grades of rust, rust cost different.
1.4 paint (painting) requirements: types of paint, brushing a few times, film thickness and fire rating, fire resistance of various parts.
2. floor plan, elevation, section, node detail:
2.1 Quantities may be sequentially calculated as follows:
2.1.1 embedded iron include: embedded positioning plate, embedded bolts, nuts;
2.1.2 steel columns, wind column, beam, crane beam;
2.1.3 support the roof, tied between columns support the canopy frame;
2.1.4 roof purlins, wall purlins, roof and wall purlins bracing, rod;
2.1.5 the calculation process, pay attention to calculate the coupling member, plate, roof and wall purlin crane beams and columns of pallets, bracing with steel columns, beams connecting plate, oblique rod steel casing of engineering, Note that counts the number of high-strength bolts.
2.2 drawing lists of materials, you can check turn the table below according to the material part number table part size, size, quantity is accurate, whether the count less leakage count, count wrong place.
2.3 Note that if there are design changes and modifications, supplementary explanation, answering the like.

Fourth, the calculation process should pay attention to matters
1. With regard to the format of engineering calculation
1.1 steel weight unit kg, area units m2, unit of length m, the results are rounded to one decimal.
1.2 calculate the weight member, may be part of an assembly from bottom to top, left to right number, and this order is calculated.
1.3 Calculation formula format:
1.3.1 Sheet: Specification × length × width × Number
As -6 × 500 × 300 × 5, represents the part thickness δ = 6mm, length of plates 500mm, width 300mm, the number has five. Foshan Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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