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Foshan Steel does not meet the performance standards of 9

Time:[2016-6-1]  Hits:3960

1. cut, cutting
In cutting, cutting, the flange plate size varies in width, with the formation of H-shaped steel bracket dimensions inconsistent contact with the bracket flange plate steel beams up and down about a dislocation of the plate thickness; cut edge of a deeper cuts, side panels have a significant sag, or deep jagged print, cut roughness overruns puzzle cut edges are not vertical, so on the wrong side stitching overruns.

2. Assemble
When assembling Foshan steel, welded H steel no assembly tire rack, the height of the formation of H-beams are biased, partial web base; rear wing web butt weld not leveling, there are significant irregularities; no light steel web flat, prior to assembly uncorrected.

3. Welding
In Foshan steel welding aspect, light steel welding H-beam flange is expected to open after the splice, weld not lead extinction board mounting, formed weld is not full, the edge of the pit not fusion, etc., not flush with the base material; pedestal, bracket fillet size is less than the rule of design drawings, fillet welds sag grim scene, at around the crater below the base material, the pores more; use CO2 welding weld poor, inconsistent width, irregularities inconsistent , suddenly big and small; manual welding seam is not straight, varies in width, undercut scene grim; the eradication of welding slag splashing is not clean.

4. Drilling
Foshan drilling in steel terms, not beforehand Mixed excellent drawings, a single row of holes in the open place, opened the double hole, the results did not fill in the holes on the retention member. Such as columns and H-shaped steel bracket for convergence at the double hole, and girders and secondary beams as standard H-beam single row of holes, but the holes are open, double hole, after the installation affects the strength and appearance quality.

5. The assembly process
Foshan assembly process steel, steel columns and corbels H - beam convergence at the upper and lower dislocation, dislocation mercy, not good control dimensions.

6. rust and paint

Rust and paint: the rust sloppy, did not reach the level requested, paint soon after returning rust off; uneven film thickness, the thickness of the male face over thick, up to 250μm, but usually at the mercy of the nightside (indoor paint in 90μm the thickness of the rule of 125μm); before the paint did not eradicate clean impurities, dirt and more uneven, sagging scene representing throughout.

7. The member shipping store
In the member transport and stacking process, no member holds stacked pad level, but unloading random, messy pile, and even members buried in the mud heap ditch, forming member deformed, bumps and pollution.

8. component factory
When the factory member, the base line symbol steel columns, steel beams are not indicated, quite common, to installation and construction correction detection difficult.

9. wing web splices
Wing web splice length does not comply with the request. Such as wing splice length of not less than 2 times the width of the wing, the weld flange plate and web splices should be staggered over 200mm, web splice length is not less than 600mm. But the practice is generally not meet the above request.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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