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Question how to apply quota and the preparation of accounting should be aware of

Time:[2016-5-28]  Hits:4352

Question how to apply quota and the preparation of accounting should be aware of

   Foshan Steel more convenient when you want to make things right after drawing input electronic document to facilitate future search and accounting. To calculate the amount of the project by the subheadings were not the same after the entry quotas complete summary of the main material preparation table, preparing the main material in quantities superior to table the basis of the previously calculated with a loss, the loss is not the same as the local rate is not the same, remember there is no loss of steel bulkhead. Scrutiny quota, the quantities set out accounting to accounting, to remember the amount of calculation is the net amount calculated, at the time of the accounting anticorrosive steel brush oil separator to remember not brush oil, usually only some H-beam fire paint brush paint brush is not, all the rest of both paint brush and some paint brushes, but the specific drawing depends on the specific request. End Quota set and all its subheadings summary, but also for corrosion ultra accounting, usually ultra some antiseptic some man-machine multiplied by 15% in ultra-high scaffolding accounting fees, 8% to take into account labor costs , obtained directly fixed costs, during take charge. Making prepared in accordance with, take charge table. If you place a request with the regional party software to learn the software, the accounting software Excel format input into the board, it is possible to directly input into the accounting software version, ultra-high fees and accounting software Scaffolding dismantling costs is very convenient.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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