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Foshan steel structure design of the house and how the timber affect the building?

Time:[2016-5-25]  Hits:3820

First, the appearance of design. Exterior design sounds simple, but still contains a lot of factors, such as the door toward choice. Chinese people are generally building entrance faces south, where not only takes into account the lighting and grasp of the wind direction, which also includes feng shui! Although I do not believe feng shui, but China passed down for thousands of years things will certainly have their reasons. Doors and windows and timber design will directly affect the indoor temperature and the energy efficiency of housing, 50% of building energy consumption comes from doors and windows. So critical to the design of windows and doors.

Qingdao Steel Housing Land

The design of the internal layout of the space will have to take into account the various links and rational use of all the space, such as adjacent to the bedroom usually has a bathroom and kitchen, living room, master bedroom, second bedroom also have space layout reasonable arrangement, these design will affect the daily living. Golden Land team of experts will be based on user requirements, for every user to design the most suitable homes.

Influence with the choice of material for building houses are very large, traditional house of timber just "create" a house and does not take into account the use of the material will have an impact on housing. Select Golden Land Housing steel timber is from energy saving, environmental protection, thermal insulation, lighting, insulation,, insulation, ventilation and other considerations, the building itself does not consume energy can make interior is maintained at a comfortable temperature. And noise, fire, earthquake and other properties are also very advantageous. Therefore influence the choice of materials for the building is huge

Modern houses simply "made" without taking into account what impact will design and timber houses, such houses the most important function is to provide a place of shelter. While the other needs of the user can only rely on related equipment to achieve. The Golden Land is "Chi-made" steel housing, through the use of new building materials and professional design to provide a comfortable and livable place, and does not require an external device can do cool, like you house not heart it?

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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