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Steel building during several methods to identify fake and shoddy steel

Time:[2016-4-16]  Hits:4254

Steel building during several methods to identify fake and shoddy steel


Steel building process, how to distinguish fake and shoddy steel it? Guangzhou Steel following Xiaobian grand teach you the recipe, trained to help you with one of the martial arts masterpiece - eyes!


Several methods of Guangzhou Steel building process to identify fake and shoddy steel

1. Shoddy steel prone to folding. Folding steel is formed on the surface of various polyline, this defect is often longitudinally throughout the entire product. Causes folding due to shoddy manufacturers to pursue high efficiency, reduction is too large, resulting in the ears, generated under a rolling folding, the product will crack when folded bending, the strength of steel big drop.

2. Shoddy steel appearance often pockmarked face phenomenon. Ma surface is due to the rolling groove serious wear and tear caused by the steel surface irregularities uneven defects. Because of shoddy steel manufacturers have to pursue profits, rolling groove most often exceeded.

3. Shoddy steel surface is easy to produce scarring. There are two reasons: 1. Shoddy steel uneven material impurities. 2. Shoddy material manufacturers to guide and guard the poorly equipped, easy to stick steel, easy to produce scarring after these impurities bite roll.

4. Shoddy material surface is easy to produce cracks because its blank is adobe, adobe many pores, adobe in the cooling process due to thermal stress, cracks, after after rolling there crack.

5. Shoddy steel easily scratched because of shoddy material manufacturers poorly equipped, easy to produce burr, scratching the steel surface. Depth scratch reduce the strength of steel.

6. Shoddy steel without metallic luster, pale red or similar color of pig iron, there are two two reasons, it is blank adobe. 2, shoddy-rolling temperature is not standard, they are visually steel temperature, so can not be carried out according to the provisions of the austenitic region of rolling, the natural properties of the steel can not be reached. Reference steel weight per square meter

7. Shoddy steel cross ribs thin and low, often sufficient dissatisfaction phenomenon, because manufacturers to achieve large negative tolerance, finished the first few tracks reduction is too large, iron-type small, pass sufficient dissatisfaction.

8. Shoddy steel oval cross section, because manufacturers in order to save material, before two of the reduction of finished roll is too large, the strength of this steel is greatly decreased, and does not meet the standard of rebar Dimensions.

9. High-quality steel components of uniform, high cold shear tonnage, smooth and neat end face of the cutting head, and shoddy materials due to the poor material, cut the first end surface there are often off the meat of the phenomenon that is uneven, and no metallic luster. And because of shoddy materials manufacturers cutting products less head, head and tail will be a big ears.

10. Shoddy steel material containing impurities, the density of steel is small, and size tolerance serious, so without a vernier caliper case, you can check it weighed. For example, the rebar 20, the national standard specifies a maximum negative tolerance of 5%, while its length 9M single theoretical weight of 120 kg, its minimal weight should be: 120X (l-5%) = 114 kg, weighing out the actual weight of a single smaller than 114 kg, it is shoddy steel, because it is more than 5% negative tolerance. Generally the whole proportionate amount would be better, mainly taking into account the cumulative error and probability theory this problem.

11. Shoddy steel inner diameter fluctuations due; l, steel surface temperature instability of yin and yang. 2, the composition of the steel uniform. 3, due to poor equipment, low-foundation strength, mill bouncing big. There will be changes in the larger internal diameter of the same week, so easy to produce reinforced discontinuity fracture. Steel can follow the "tolerance" and "tolerance" to see whether or not within the permissible range

12. High-quality materials and printing trademarks are fairly standard.

13. Three steel screw diameter of 16 or larger, the spacing between the two trademarks are over IM.

14. Shoddy steel rebar longitudinal reinforcement often wavy.

15. Shoddy steel manufacturers because there is no traffic, so the package is relatively loose. Side of the oval. Foshan City-State Steel Co., Ltd. (referred to as "Katsukuni Steel") is a set of marketing, design, development, manufacture, and construction as one, specializing in steel building construction development-oriented enterprises, and through international ISO9001: 2008 quality management SGS system certification and factory certification. Welcome to inquire Guangzhou Steel, Dongguan, steel and other steel structures.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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