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Large Steel Sliding Installation Technology of

Time:[2016-3-23]  Hits:3826

Large Steel Sliding Installation Technology of

1. Guangzhou Steel Main content
Computer-controlled mass jacking and lifting technology is an advanced steel structure and installation of large equipment technology, which combines mechanical, hydraulic, computer control, sensor monitoring technology, and technology to solve the traditional hoisting of large crane and lifting machinery height, weight lifting, structure, surface contact, job sites and other fields insurmountable problems. With this construction technique is safe and reliable, mature technology, advanced technology, significant economic benefits. The technology uses a "flexible strand bearing, hydraulic cylinder cluster, computer-controlled synchronous lifting" principle. When lifting or jacking construction precisely controlled by computer at various points synchronization.
2. Guangzhou Steel Technical Specifications
Lifting or jacking determine the program, you must also consider the load-bearing structure (permanent or temporary) and the lifting device itself or the steel strength, stiffness and stability. To make the overall force structure under construction state of stress performance checking and calculating all, to mention points with jack. For construction of foundation and support structure or the lower should be checking the bearing capacity and the overall stability, guaranteed under the most unfavorable conditions sufficient security. Sync value of each action point should be selected by calculating the reasonable construction.
Ways to enhance the principle of choice, one seeks to reduce the height of the load-bearing structure, to ensure its stability, the second is to ensure that the steel structure or equipment was promoted stability and security in place in ascension. Determine lifting points of the number and location of the basic principles are: First, to ensure that equipment is lifted steel or stability during the lift of. In ensuring the safety and quality of the premise, to minimize the lifting points. Enhance the carrying capacity of the device itself meet the design requirements. Lifting equipment selection principles are: to meet the upgrade requirements of the force, compact, durable, easy maintenance, meet the engineering needs (such as stroke, enhance the speed, security, etc.).
Main technical characteristics 3. Slip law
Sliding method has broad applicability. In addition to one-way truss, the structural rigidity for the smaller two-way truss or truss by adding support points (decrease span), increase the width of the assembly platform, while increasing the number of truss assembly on the platform, the same method can be used to install slip.
Slip propulsion device can be computer-controlled synchronized hydraulic crawler. High degree of automation equipment, flexible operation, safety, and high reliability, using a wide versatility.
4. The main technical measures slip law
1) preparation of Guangzhou Steel construction program
Preparation of construction plan to guide the construction, comprising: a sliding unit division, and slide assembly platform erection, assembly height, traction system, points slip or cumulative slip, off the shelf in place, construction monitoring, contingency plans.
2) high-altitude platform assembly and erection truss assembly.
3) Set the sliding track.
4) Install the synchronization slip system.
5) stress and strain monitoring: to ensure the construction in a controlled state.
5. Guangzhou Steel Scope
(1) sports stadiums, theaters, hangars, steel bridge (gallery) and other large span roof and steel structure assembled with a ground conditions, when there are better peripheral support conditions, and can be used to enhance the overall lifting technology.
(2) enhancing the overall steel tower antenna masts, power station boilers and other ultra member.
Enhancing the overall (3) large gantry crane girder, boilers and other large equipment.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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