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Guangzhou Steel welding inspection

Time:[2016-3-19]  Hits:3942

Guangzhou Steel welding inspection

1. General Guangzhou Steel Structure

(1) Welding Inspection Category

1) self-test, the construction unit in the manufacturing, installation, Guangzhou steel unit with corresponding qualifications of inspectors or inspection agencies entrusted with the corresponding qualification tests carried out;

2) supervisory inspection, the owner or his representative commissioned an independent third party inspection and testing organization with the corresponding qualification test performed;

General Procedure 3) welding inspection, including inspection before welding, after welding inspection and welding inspection, and shall comply with the relevant regulations.

2. visual inspection of weld

Visual inspection can be carried out (1) All welds shall be cooled to ambient temperature.

(2) visual inspection by visual way.

3. The structure of the welding quality to withstand static load test

The appearance quality of the weld should regulatory requirements. Weld size shall comply with the regulatory requirements.

Basic requirements (1) non-destructive testing

Non-destructive testing shall be carried out after the appearance of qualified testing.

(2) design requirements of the full penetration welds, test internal defects

1) a weld should be 100% inspection.

2) two welds should be carried out sample testing, checking ratio of not less than 20%.

3) three weld testing should be carried out according to the relevant design requirements, in general, may be non-destructive testing.

(3) ultrasonic testing regulations

When the ultrasonic detection result of doubt, can be used to verify ray detector.

(4) Surface inspection provisions

Ferromagnetic materials should be used to detect magnetic surface imperfections. When not using the magnetic particle testing, penetrant testing should be used.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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