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+ cost advantage can promote policy substance, the opportunity has come to the big steel housing

Time:[2016-3-12]  Hits:4504

Guangzhou Steel News: + cost advantage can promote policy substance, the opportunity has come to the big steel housing


Guangzhou Steel News: core ideas: steel residential construction led the way in efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection.

Steel housing is a form of the housing industry, with factory production, on-site assembly, integrated design and construction features, the construction efficiency, space utilization, environmental protection advantages.

Why China's steel housing for years has been promoting not open.

Steel housing has many advantages, but it is difficult to promote in the country before, one of the key reasons that the cost is too high. In addition, national policy support is not enough, the steel structure supporting the housing envelope immature product development is lagging behind its cause.

In recent years, the state has entered a substantive policy support and mandatory advance stage.

And advocate before the lack of specific requirements are different, the current central and local governments have introduced to the steel structure housing "hard targets", forced to promote steel housing. And in 15 years of local government issued policy subsidies will stimulate the enthusiasm of developers.

High costs have not become a stumbling block to hinder steel residential development.

With steel prices continue to decline, envelope products become more sophisticated, enterprise technology continue to make breakthroughs, coupled with the policy of subsidies, steel housing cost advantage will gradually appear.

Steel companies technical reserves fully ready to go.

Investment advice.

In recent years, state support for steel housing has entered a substantive stage and mandatory advance, the cost issue has not become a stumbling block to hinder its development. Government support, green building and protection of housing construction of residential demand for steel will be growing, the industry is in Charge of the outbreak point in time, the next few years will maintain a high growth rate. Currently the company has invested in high-quality steel residential sector have paid off, it is expected to lead change in the industry, continually tap new blue ocean.

risk warning.

Protection of housing construction investment is expected to decline sharply over investment in fixed assets than-expected decline in steel demand caused a substantial decline in the steel price volatility.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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