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how to improve the fire resistance of steel structures

Time:[2016-3-5]  Hits:3807

Guangzhou Steel teach you: how to improve the fire resistance of steel structures

How to improve the fire resistance of steel structures?
Guangzhou Steel due to poor fire resistance, high temperature at fire will expire soon collapsed, the fire resistance of only 15-, therefore, important for the steel structure of the building, the need for fire-resistant protection in order to improve their fire resistance. Currently, the world of steel structures using a variety of methods to protect it from the principle of these methods can be divided into two types: closure methods and counseling methods.
1, the closure method
Closure law principle truncated or block heat flow generated by the fire to the transport member from the song so that member within a specified time temperature does not exceed its critical temperature. The approach set foot in a protective material component surface. The high temperature fires first pass these protective materials, then pass by the guard member material. Since the thermal conductivity of the selected material is small. The heat capacity and large, they are able to block the flow of the heat transfer member, which play a protective role. Closure method is divided into a spray method, encapsulation method, a method of shielding and water spray method. Spraying equipment with spray fire retardant coating sprayed directly in the member table and form a protective layer; encapsulating process is wrapped up with a refractory material such as fire panels, concrete or brick, mortar and other fire-resistant steel mesh wiping the member; shield law is to steel components concealed in the wall or ceiling composed of refractory material, mainly for roof protection system; sprinkler spray method is provided at the top of the water supply network structure, starts automatically (or manually) when the fire began to water, member in the surface layer of a continuous flow of water film, which play a protective role.
2, grooming law
Law and different methods to ease the closure. Grooming law allows heat flow reached the upper member, and then try to transfer heat away or consumed, the same can not member to an elevated temperature to the critical temperature, which play a protective role.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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