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Steel construction work Technical Exchange

Time:[2016-3-5]  Hits:4441

Guangzhou Steel News: Steel construction work Technical Exchange

Tests, content:
1. Guangzhou Steel construction personnel should be familiar with this type of work safety rules and technical skills to work, conduct disorder safety tests, education, job before the job is not suited to high-altitude, high-altitude operations personnel can not engage in prohibited entering the construction workers must be used correctly personal protective equipment. Qualified to wear helmets, fasten your chin buckle locking good. Climbing (2m or more) must wear seat belt hanging qualified jobs, with low hanging hung securely. Forbidden to wear slippers or plastic-soled shoes high-altitude operations, Do not drink and work.
2. electric welding operations, to holders of operating permits, fire permits and clean up around the inflammable and explosive materials, oxygen, acetylene bottles spacing distance should be consistent with the work specifications, welding wire should be in place, staffed with qualified and effective fire-fighting equipment , set up specifically to see the fire. Welder by a professional electrician complete disassembly, and what does not prohibit the operation of machinery and equipment.
3. Do not live operation, with a load connected to power lines is prohibited.
4. climbing operations must be worn tool bag, wearing non-slip shoes, tools, tool bag should be placed, not free on a steel beam or a place easily lost if the handheld tools (such as hammers, wrenches, pry bar, etc.) to put on a safety rope to prevent the loss hurt.
5. Field workers smoking, chasing. Special types of work must be certified.
6. Non-professionals shall not engage in electrical work, temporary overhead power lines laying, and good insulation measures to prevent scratch, hit, hit cable.
7. sling must be checked before use, do not meet safety requirements prohibited.
8. The lifting work full-time workers command signal, high lifting must be clearly visible semaphore or flute and intercom command, to be set up at the sight of two blind lifting operations command.
9. hanging objects at 0.3m from the ground when the lifting rigging inspection, determined safe before lifting, and crane overload operation is prohibited.
10. When lifting member, non-stop or put the container member scattered Unloaded member.
11. At the bottom of the arm member and play a major twist area, may not have staff to stay around.
12. The pull member seated in the cable should help in place, this time staff member should stand on both sides.
13. member in place, should be a fixed installation or post weld welding, non-use of temporary stacking, hold way to prevent accidents and falls from a height, must be firmly welded in place immediately after.
14. Canton steel operations use electrical equipment, to be done to stop people walking machines wind up its power before they can not stay hidden.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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