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Steel structure engineering foundation inspection General requirements

Time:[2016-3-2]  Hits:4384

Steel structure engineering foundation inspection General requirements

Guangzhou before the installation of steel structures to deal with the positioning axis, foundation and elevation axes, anchor bolt size and location of the building, etc. for review, and should be the foundation for the handover inspection and acceptance. Such as the need to review the bolt axis of each bolt, elevation that exceeds regulatory requirements, must take appropriate remedial measures. Such as increasing the size of the column bottom in the column base plate according to the actual drilling bolt position again.

Guangzhou Steel when foundation works in case of partial handover, handover acceptance each column base capable of forming at least a foundation degree space steel mounting unit, and should be consistent with the following provisions: foundation concrete strength to meet the design requirements; compacted backfill around the foundation end; bedrock elevation and symbolic reference axis point and accurate and complete; the top surface of the foundation should be flat, the foundation should look at the secondary irrigation cutting hair, anchor bolts should be intact.

The column axis position measured in column base outer shells.

The column base level for leveling. Pouring concrete column base elevation is generally reserved for 50 to 60 mm (compared with steel column base level design), the installation is a steel plate or early adoption sit pulp carrier plate leveling.

When using steel plate made of the support plate, the steel plate area should be based on lower compressive strength of concrete foundation, columns soles of the feet before the bottom of the column subjected to secondary grouting fastening bolt tension load and accounting determination. Pad in contact with the root surface and the bottom surface of the column should be flat, tight.

When the pulp should be used to sit for the board to shorten the no-mortar, mortar pads before lifting the column strength should be higher than a level foundation concrete strength and mortar pad area should be sufficient to meet carrier requirements.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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