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The rapid development of steel works to build the green civilization

Time:[2016-2-27]  Hits:4490

The rapid development of steel works to build the green civilization

As China's economic development, the scale of production in the construction industry is gradually expanding. Guangzhou Steel Works as a modern "green building", because of its light weight, the construction cycle is short, fast return on investment, easy installation, good seismic performance, less environmental pollution, and other characteristics are widely used in steel homes, steel plant office, steel villa, steel structure warehouse, steel greenhouses and other buildings, and the rapid development.
For example, before, there is a arched corrugated roof, because light weight, quick construction, been used in many 30m warehouse, processing plants and other constructions have been built millions of square meters. Light steel structure residence also began to study and build some experimental projects promising. Completed in 1998 as the Shanghai 80,000 people Stadium grandstand, Shanghai Hongkou Stadium, Qingdao Yizhong Stadium, Wuhan Economic Development Zone, Changsha Window stadium and theater, they are relatively large-scale steel construction.
As of 2015, China's steel companies have increased more than 30 per cent before, this data can be seen clearly Guangzhou Steel Works in the late 1990s to get some development and is still constantly expanding effect, promising. Building works popular in recent years steel works, is a new "green building." Because of relatively light weight construction steel, construction period and compared to traditional construction methods: short duration, fast return on investment and other advantages, to promote construction steel is widely used in a variety of buildings to live, and has been building market support, is developing rapidly. How to make construction steel structure to ensure the quality and performance of the premise of the green construction, the construction industry is a key issue to be resolved.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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