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Steel can set up homes of ordinary people

Time:[2016-2-17]  Hits:4430

Guangzhou Steel News: Steel can set up homes of ordinary people


Guangzhou Steel News: steel industry is a green, environmentally friendly, sustainable development of emerging industries, is one of the major steel consuming industries. However, the "five-second" period, China's steel steel steel production accounted for the proportion remained at 5% to 6%. In the TV towers, residential buildings and small and medium span bridges, steel structures, the proportion is less than 1%, far below the level of developed countries.

Where is the problem? Recently, 21 academicians and construction field dozens of entrepreneurs, experts, scholars and government authorities gathered in "2016 China Steel Development Forum", the development of China's steel advice.

Technology is the bottleneck

Compared to traditional concrete construction, steel construction seems "high cool" a lot more common in high-rise building, big span building complex, long-span bridges, etc., as Shanghai Tower, the National Stadium, the Water Cube, Sutong Yangtze River Bridge .

"Although China has successfully built a number of the world's leading steel landmark projects, but still is lagging behind the development of steel." President of China Steel Association, Metallurgical Construction Research Institute president FILLED frankly.

"The first is a technical issue." Chinese Academy of Engineering Zhou Xuhong said steel member is simple in design instead of reinforced concrete components, steel advantages can not play; at the same time, seepage problem, thermal bridge problem, three board problem, steel corrosion problems, maintenance bottleneck restricting the structure and its connection durability issues have not been a breakthrough.

Turning technical bottlenecks steel, Chinese Academy of Engineering NIE Jianguo respect, the status quo is lagging behind the research project development needs.

"Eleventh Five-Year" and "Twelve Five" period, steel and related technology support program and the national "863" project a total of 18 topics, but only two major projects belong to the field of steel.

"A considerable part of research projects to deal with the project, but the results have not been applied. Also, research is not systematic, not easy to apply." Nie Jianguo said.

Open up the industry chain

In Zhou Xuhong opinion, a steel building is the inevitable choice of green building technology and industrialization, but also an effective way to resolve China's steel overcapacity.

However, the actual implementation process, greater resistance.

"Owners are not enthusiastic about the long-term durability of indoctrination is not as good as steel concrete structure, fearing fire, maintenance and other issues; design units are not enthusiastic, because the steel structure design may take more time and effort, drawing a relatively workload large, and is designed to assess their costs, output and efficiency; construction units are not enthusiastic, because once involved in steel, will subcontract, affect efficiency; steel companies enthusiasm is not high, it is due to undertake subcontracting profit margins further compression. "Nie Jianguo said.

In this case, how to promote the steel structure? Market alone will not work.

Throughout the United Kingdom and Japan, steel structure more countries and regions to promote strong steel production enterprises played a significant role. China, like the lack of British Steel Union, Nippon Steel emphasis on the promotion of applied research and engineering organizations, and even less with the construction industry to communicate.

Zhou Xu Hong, currently Chongqing started a pilot set up by the steel mills, led, construction, real estate, building materials enterprises to participate in leading enterprises or industry alliance, to carry out pilot projects to promote steel construction, it would be a good start.

For this reason, experts have called the start-up and growth of steel structure housing industry development, the government should promote, co-ordinate the whole industry chain optimization to solve the bottleneck problem, making steel housing industry development has entered a mature stage as soon as possible.

Meet new demands

In fact, early in the last century in the late 1990s, with the rapid increase in steel production, China began to promote the use of steel. The end of last year raised again at the national level, the same is to resolve China's steel overcapacity current predicament.

However, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Construction Chief Engineer Chen Yiming opinion, all of the supply-side interfaces are the final clients.

In his view, whether it is to solve the many problems the industry chain parties to the conflict of interest, or technological breakthroughs, management philosophy to improve the steel structure facing the ultimate end is the end user, to make steel and consumer demand full advantage unity can be achieved to promote the market.

A steel company CEOs deeply understands: "The past is engaged in building steel structure, is now engaged in steel construction it is only through building system construction products, in order to ultimately obtain customer approval.."

"Only the user to grasp the advantages, in order to form effective demand in the market, can be a good boost consumption." Chen Yiming, he said, "such as thinner wall steel construction, it is possible to get some of the multi-use area, which is great It appeals. "

In addition to pilot and demonstration, improve the level of industrialization is currently promoting a thorny issue facing the steel. Steel building into a sequence of real estate development in the availability of widely recognized, become the biggest worry.

In this regard, Chen Yiming, said the promotion of steel structures must be clear direction, the consumer demand for new technologies and the advantages of the people's well unified.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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