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construction steel structure fire regulations

Time:[2016-1-27]  Hits:4255

Guangzhou Steel tells you: construction steel structure fire regulations

1. Guangzhou fireproof coating protected by trained and qualified construction professional construction team. Construction of security technology and labor protection requirements, should be the existing relevant provisions of the state.
2. When the steel structure in place, the boom connected thereto, a horse track, pipe racks and other related components even installed, and after passing the acceptance, before proceeding fireproof coating.
3. Before construction, steel surfaces should be rust, and determine in accordance with the requirements of anti-rust treatment. Rust and rust treatment should comply with "Steel Construction and acceptance norms" in the relevant provisions.
4. steel surface debris should be cleaned, cracks or other fire use fire-resistant coating material which is connected at the block level before construction fill.
5. fire retardant coating construction should be carried out before the next interior decoration and are not damaged by the subsequent engineering conditions. When construction on the site and other objects need for fire protection shielding should be protected, just construction coating should prevent dirty fluid contamination and mechanical shocks.
6. Before the construction process and the coating is dried and solidified, the ambient temperature should be maintained at 5 ~ 38 ℃, relative humidity not more than 90%, the air should circulate. When the wind speed is greater than 5m / s, or rain and member surface condensation, not a job.

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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