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Time:[2015-12-23]  Hits:4960

Guangzhou Steel News: "Technical Specification for Steel Structure of Tall Buildings" bulletin

    Residential Urban-Rural Development Ministry of publishing industry norm "Technical Specification for Steel Structure of Tall Buildings," the notice

    Now consent "of tall buildings steel Technical Specification" for the industry norm, numbered JGJ99-2015, shall take effect May 1, 2016. In the meantime, the first 3.6.1,3.7.1,3.7.3,5.2.4,5.3.1,5.4.5,6.1.5,6.4.1,6.4.2,6.4.3,6.4.4,7.5.2 , 7.5.3,8.8.1 as mandatory provisions, it is necessary to strictly enforced. The original "Technical Specification for Steel Structure of Tall Buildings" JGJ99-98 abolished together.

    The regulations published by the Institute of Organization norms fixed Ministry China Building Industry Press.

    Residential Urban Ministry

    November 30, 2015


    Other new codes and norms attached building housing the Department recently agreed to issue the following specifications and norms will take effect on June 1, 2016.

    1, "reinforced concrete structures forming application of technical regulations" (JGJ366-2015)

    Now agree that "application of technical regulations forming reinforced concrete structures" for the industry norm, numbered JGJ366-2015, shall take effect June 1, 2016. In the meantime, the first 4.1.6,4.2.3 as mandatory provisions, it is necessary to strictly enforced.

    2. "technical specification steel plate shear wall" (JGJ / T380-2015)

    Now agree that "steel plate shear wall Technical Specification" for the industry norm, numbered JGJ / T380-2015, implemented since June 1, 2016.

    3, "communication line engineering design specification" (GB51158-2015)

    Now agree that "communication line engineering design specification" as the national standard, numbered GB51158-2015, shall take effect June 1, 2016. In the meantime, the first 6.4.8,7.4.12,8.3.1,8.3.5 as mandatory provisions, it is necessary to strictly enforced.

    4, "the LNG terminal project design specifications" (GB51156-2015)

    Now agree that "the LNG terminal project design specifications," the national standard, numbered GB51156-2015, shall take effect June 1, 2016. In the meantime, the first 4.1.33,5.9.3,12.1.10,12.1.12,12.1.14 as mandatory provisions, it is necessary to strictly enforced.

    5, "the oil and gas pipelines across the construction norms" (GB50460-2015)

    Now agree that "oil and gas pipelines across the construction norms" as the national standard, numbered GB50460-2015, since June 1, 2016 implementation. In the meantime, the first 5.1.1,7.2.2 as mandatory provisions, it is necessary to strictly enforced. Former national norms "oil and gas pipelines across the construction norms" GB50460-2008 abolished together.

    6, "city road lighting design specification" (CJJ45-2015)

    Now agree that "city road lighting design" for the industry norm, numbered CJJ45-2015, shall take effect June 1, 2016. In the meantime, the provisions of Section 7.1.2 is mandatory, it is necessary to strictly enforced. The original "city road lighting design specifications" CJJ45-2006 abolished together. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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