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Steel structure house

Time:[2015-12-12]  Hits:4663

Steel structure house "just to be" still need to multi-force

Steel construction of residential steel construction system is based force structure to light construction materials for the building envelope system construction. It is estimated that the construction of the steel structure of steel consumption per square meter of 100-120 kg.

By 2015, the province built new urban area of ​​38,602,800 square meters, the vast majority of reinforced concrete construction. If full use of steel construction, steel consumption up to 3.86 to 4.63 million tons, can digest more steel from 1.93 to 2.32 million tons, that will help the province of steel resources, digestive steel overcapacity. Guangzhou Steel

Together, steel structure built of steel 90% can be recycled, and reduce construction site construction waste and sewage. Cangzhou City of Beverly steel structure residential home project estimates show that residential construction and general compared to brick and concrete, the steel structure housing 25% labor savings, water saving 76%, saving 15%, saving wood 77%, saving 40 percent of wood template, 88% saving steel template, add the use of the area 5-8%, construction waste and sewage basically achieve zero emissions.

Moment, a time when a good time to accelerate the development of steel structure construction, steel structure built expressly province, the construction of new materials to promote the vast rural areas, have begun to have the basis and conditions for the promotion of steel structure construction. Province Planning Institute and a number of construction planning institutes and universities active in the construction of steel structure study, 22 Ye Group, Hebei province, such as the construction of the group of leading companies have been built in transition, Jidong Development Group and other companies to produce and construction steel structure also actively developing integrated light steel structure houses. The province built large-scale production of steel components factory five, built in two annual planning capacity of nearly one million tons, has started the construction of the steel structure of nearly one million square meters of construction. Guangzhou Steel

Although the steel structure built itself a significant advantage, and the province also has abundant resources of iron and steel, but the difficulties and obstacles faced by severely restricting the promotion and development of steel structure construction: from the government level is concerned, the current lack of a strong province effective measures and incentives for the development of efforts to guide the construction of the weak, the lack of endogenous motivation. Together, the whole society on the importance of the steel structure construction lack of awareness, especially in the vast rural areas, some farmers also steel structure housing the same as "makeshift." From the steel structure residential properties, the corrosion of steel, fireproof ability, steel structure fire, anti-corrosion treatment is difficult, resulting in increased costs. Construction of steel structure for building envelope construction requirements are high, the current performance of lightweight insulation wall materials, energy, water and other aspects can not be an excellent way to meet regulatory requirements. Taken together, the steel construction cost 10-20% higher than conventional concrete construction cost even more. It also severely restricted the promotion of the use of steel in residential construction in rural areas.

For a small province steel structure production companies, small-scale situation, the province needs to respect the culture related companies force. The Government should be combined with existing resources, erected steel components production, the production of new building materials, steel construction and development, planning, construction companies and other related technical cooperation platform for new technologies and products as soon as possible landing. Together, support the traditional construction company to build the steel structure and supporting industrial restructuring, to train a group of leading companies in the construction of steel structure, constituting industrial scale. From the must sense, expanding the scale, bringing the cost of continuing to reduce.

Compared with traditional brick and concrete structure construction, steel structure housing a higher degree of technology. In pursuing to strengthen technical support, strengthen technological innovation, speed up the transformation, constitute serialization, universal system of steel construction products, development of steel structure to address the constraints of technical problems. Together, to increase steel structure and supporting new training building materials planning, production and construction aspects of the engineering and technical personnel conducting, steel structure built long-term development reserve of technology and talent.

On the other hand, we should vigorously promote the construction of steel structure projects, promote the development of realization. To take the lead in the promotion of steel structure construction technology in public construction and government-led construction of the steel structure to increase the application in the field of municipal infrastructure. Encourage and guide the development of the real estate company to build the steel structure residential district. Combined with rural reform and improve the appearance of action, to promote integrated steel construction homes in rural self-help housing and dilapidated housing projects, promote the steel structure residential applications in rural areas.

Some experts also suggested that the company properly handle the relationship between cost and quality. Steel structure itself is a high quality residential housing, not in order to capture the market blindly reduce the cost. To reduce costs the company to organize an orderly and strict management, to attract users. Under the government to promote the general trend of residential steel structure, the company should bother to study technology, products, markets, and ultimately dominate the market. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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