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Metal steel anti-acid corrosion coatings concern

Time:[2015-12-9]  Hits:4790

Metal steel anti-acid corrosion coatings concern


Metals such as steel, lightning rod tower, sea lighthouse, large reservoir gates, water tower, offshore oil equipment, tankers, tank, tank, tank, carbonation tower, heat exchanger, chimney, container, ship hull, sea channel steel structure, etc. These steel structures in steel atmospheric environment by the sun, wind, rain, snow, temperature and humidity effects of frost and throughout the year, in which atmospheric oxygen and moisture is an important form of outdoor steel structure corrosion factor, Guangzhou Steel pointed out, causing corrosion of steel industrial gas containing SO2, CO2, NO2, CI2, H2S and NH3, etc., though the content of these ingredients is small, but for steel corrosion hazards are not overlooked, which affect SO2 maximum, CI2 metal surface passivation film can be destroyed. These gases dissolved in the water acidic, acid rain, corrosion of metal equipment.

    Are long-term in the marine atmosphere, industrial atmospheric corrosion environments. To long-term use, without large-scale maintenance, long-lasting protective coating is best for the former, the service life of up to 20--30 years, less maintenance costs, availability of obvious economic benefits. Metal steel acid corrosion coatings effectively prevent acid corrosion, maintaining long-term acid does not corrode steel structure. Steel structure workshop primary means primary load-bearing member is composed of steel, including steel columns, steel beams, steel foundation, steel roof, steel roof and so on. Wei Sheng Zhi Hua specialized anti-corrosion coatings researchers found that long-term site tracking summary, steel corrosion refers to the workshop corrosive gases, moisture or media purely in the physical and chemical mutual effect between the metal and the environment, as well as iron and steel materials in the air oxidation corrosion phenomena arising from oxygen and water molecules from oxidation effects, thus weakening the capacity and service life of steel components, so that the onset of metallic properties change, leading to the phenomenon of metal, the environment and its component-based power will be compromised, so to the production of harmful effects, good performance ZS anti-corrosion coatings anticorrosive steel structure workshop can make more than 20 years.

    Steel corrosion in environments not avoid, especially corrosion in aggressive media effect, will produce steel corrosion, erosion, corrosion medium primary acid, alkali and salt corrosion of three types of corrosion. According to their patterns, liquid phase and gas phase corrosion corrosion two categories. In addition, rain, atmospheric dust, temperature effects, and steels in contact with atmospheric humidity and other metals will cause corrosion of steel.

   Guangzhou Steel corrosion mechanism is not the same material, and some acid corrosion, some weak acid corrosion, some oxygen acid corrosion, some hydrogen acid corrosion, and these acids as the temperature increases, the degree of corrosion geometry when growth becomes strong. Inorganic materials ZS-711 anti-corrosion coatings, ZS-811 high temperature anti-corrosion coatings and ZS-1033 hydrofluoric acid corrosion-resistant coatings, ZS-1034 were not the same acid corrosion coating project in accordance with the national standard test, the test results more corrosion resistant coating acid corrosion fully meet international design standards. Acid corrosion anti-corrosion coating solution is a solution of an inorganic film-forming polymer chelating new Chi Sheng Weihua special, has been silicon group -Si-O-Si- bond as a foundation, grafting organic alkyl side chains as his assistant, and then has a hydroxyl-terminated chain chelated anticorrosive film-forming material, ZS-711 anti-corrosion coating molecules bond to a hydroxyl group on the silicon atom convergence chelation, an alkyl group with good corrosion ternary synergistic effect, strong solution stability, reducing the interior of the polymer influence, film was more compact, strong adhesion, high temperature. ZS above acid corrosion coatings can effectively prevent uniform corrosion of steel structure workshop, uneven corrosion, points (pit) corrosion, stress corrosion, hydrogen embrittlement and other metal corrosion, stress corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement solve steel structure workshop are under no obvious signs of sudden onset of deformation of brittle fracture, to avoid the risk of attack, to ensure the safety of industrial production, non-corrosive metal steel structure is also of concern. Guangzhou Steel

Copyright:佛山市胜邦钢结构有限公司 Foshan Shengbang Steel Structure Co., Ltd. Record Number:粤ICP备13078463号
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